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Old 10-16-2011, 10:49 PM   #11
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Re: Rant

MAC's have wireless same as Windows and work over the same networks. My SO's Windows laptop computer connects to my MAC to get out on the internet or use the printer, no problem when it's set up right (with the correct passwords to gain access so it's not a totally open network anybody can get in to). And she's in another room or can be outside on the porch with her computer. When my kids come down with their iPads or computers, they also log into my network and use the internet that way instead of their 3G connections.
Don't waste your money on another WIndows-based computer.

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Old 10-17-2011, 08:09 AM   #12
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Re: Rant

Oh good. Nice to know I have the option of another system beside a Window based computer. Maybe this computer will finally run properly if it knows it will be replaced by a different system. Actually it knows "I now know". :lol:
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Old 10-20-2011, 11:23 PM   #13
music man
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Re: Rant

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Oh good. Nice to know I have the option of another system beside a Window based computer. Maybe this computer will finally run properly if it knows it will be replaced by a different system. Actually it knows "I now know". :lol:

You can also go with Linux, it is 100% free. And Like Mac, it is essentially virus free. I have been off the Windows bandwagon for the better part of a year and it is great. Be forewarned though, if you are not very computer literate to begin with, switching to Mac or Linux after being a longtime Windows user (and really even if you are computer literate for that matter) you are going to experience some serious "growing pains", I have never used Mac at all, but from the perspective of using Linux, on the surface it appears to run just like windows, but there are many subtle differences that will sometimes frustrate you at first, because you are so used to things being a certain way, but in the long run it is well worth it, to break the microsoft shackles.
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Old 10-20-2011, 11:39 PM   #14
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Re: Rant

I agree with musicman , Linux is a 3rd option, and it gets better (more fine-tuned) every 6 months. And its completely free, you don't pay a cent when the better versions come out.
Musicman said he is off windows for a yr, I have been completely off Windows for 9 years. I admit, the learning curve is tough, not for the newbie (beginner). You have to occasionally goto the commandline. Thats the "dark screen with the letter C and a blinking cursor". But for those that do use Linux, its really great, and there are NO linux viruses at all. I know a previous post said the same about MAC, but there are a few (rare) viruses for MAC. Nothing that a good, free antivirus program can't handle.
Nothing compared to the thousands of terrible viruses that constantly attack Windows.
I would be on a MAC right now if it wasn't that I discovered Linux first. Anyway, a bit of Trivia for you - the MAC OS (operating system) is based on BSD, which is based on unix, Linux was created 20 yrs ago as a small,easier unix.
So they both are related, in a distant way.
Eddie Colon -- Raleigh,NC
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Old 10-22-2011, 07:15 PM   #15
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Re: Rant

Also another very great thing about Linux is, you can try it without installing it on your computer, just download it, slap it on a disc, restart your computer, and you can run linux just like you would if it was installed (slower but the same), and you can also have a dual boot system where you have Windows and Linux installed on the same machine, and when you turn your computer on you can decide which one you want to use.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]

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Old 10-22-2011, 07:47 PM   #16
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Re: Rant

Shh, don't tell Bill Gates.
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Old 10-22-2011, 10:47 PM   #17
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Re: Rant

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Shh, don't tell Bill Gates.

He would really freak :cuss: if you dual-booted Windows and Mac.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]
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Old 10-24-2011, 11:40 AM   #18
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Re: Rant

I've had both Mac and Windows machines over the years. I'll have to say that the Mac's just about set themselves up when you open the box, very easy compared to any Windows's based computer I've set up. The Mac's usually just automatically find any available wireless connection and simply ask you, "Would you like to connect?" Having said that, they do have some issues. I've had two die on my when they were about 3 years old. My daughters just completely crashed and burned and my wife's notebook is currently in the shop because it can't seem to maintain a link with the internet and doesn't want to find it in the first place without a lot of input from the user anymore. One of my good friends also had one crash at about a year old, Apple gave him a brand new laptop without charging him a cent and even re-loaded a lot of things for him for free, so great customer service, and he was happy with the outcome. The only other problem with Mac's is , well, they cost a lot compared to a Window's based PC.

My general experience with PC's is that they are relatively cheap and good for about 4 years if you avoid downloading crap on them and keep a good, constantly updated virus program running on them. Even though I keep them on really top notch power surge suppressors, I tend to loose the internet cards pretty regularly and power supplies die on me about every two years, but they are relatively cheap to replace, usually less than $50. I have only had one get a virus and crap out, and I just wiped the drive and reloaded the OS on that one.

Back up your hard drive, either with a local back up system or pay a fee and back it up on a server somewhere.
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Old 10-26-2011, 04:54 PM   #19
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Re: Rant

Mac/PC is a personal preference and $$$ game. for using and maintaining any type of computer one must have some know how and troubleshooting skills and access to internet when working on a "troubled computer" as many answers are present on internet, you just need patience for search and fix.

i have a 7 yrs old PC. i have upgraded RAM and installed new hard drives and it is working great for kids now.

my cousin is nil in computer work and BB took $200 to fix virus problems and even then they did not do the job. he shipped his CPU (its a slim type) to me and i fixed it for him so this is an option if shipping is easy.

most important thing never visit crappy sites and never click tempting pictures.
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Old 10-27-2011, 06:27 AM   #20
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Re: Rant

and with Firefox, instal Web Of Trust, as a first line of defence.
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