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Water Warrior 2 10-15-2011 10:22 PM

I really do hate computers and their designers. This is my second desktop and it is strangly like no other computer Lynda has seen or operated. Some how she keeps it running for me. Got a new D-Link today b/c the old one was suspected of going south. Lynda got it installed properly after I gave up going in circles trying to install the dam thing. Now I am afraid to shut down my computer for fear it may not wake up again and find the Net. If it does continue to work I will be happy. If not there are 2 choices. Go to a computer fixit guy and let him fix the bugs and warts. OR I will use the dam thing as a speed bump outside for a while after getting a newer version of said headaches.

JWR 10-16-2011 12:24 AM

Re: Rant
Pilot Error is the number one problem with computers.

Water Warrior 2 10-16-2011 01:14 AM

Re: Rant
Yes I know. I'm licensed to fly visual only, not with instruments. The biggest problem with computers is the language. Understanding computerese is a full time and evolving job that has always baffled me over the years. Must be my Stone Age mentality. :lol:

alanmcorcoran 10-16-2011 04:54 AM

Re: Rant
I disagree. If it is a windows computer it is a collection of wishful thinking and, if it works, it's probably because you're not expecting it to do much and you are also lucky. Each application you add is playing compatibility roulette and eventually you install the straw that breaks the operating system back. In the case of Windows 7 64 bit Professional version, the operating system often is broken right in the box. I've performed countless hours of unpaid compatibility troubleshooting and, nearly two years on still have an out-of-control mcbuilder and svchost. I have to manually kill svchost several times a day, some days several times an hour. The funny thing is, over the last 24 months, Microsoft has identified dozens of causes of this problem and issued fixes or upgraded drivers, but none of them have fixed my symptoms. I am not alone. Google "svchost CPU" and you'll see what I mean.

And don't get me started on DSL routers, droppage, crapass linksys routers, crapass AT&T DSL service, etc. My DSL wireless connection drops or freezes every few minutes. The wired version often isn't much better. I've tried Netgear, Linksys, Cisco, D-Link and others. Some work well for a few weeks, months or days, but nearly all suck wirelessly and the one I have now REALLY sucks. I'd go buy another one but I'm afraid it will suck even worse. Plus I have to remember all the goddamn settings every time I buy a new one and I might not be able to do it this time.

Gz Rider 10-16-2011 09:50 AM

Re: Rant

mrlmd1 10-16-2011 09:53 AM

Re: Rant
Get a MAC and get rid of Windows. No problems, viruses, crashes, etc. that are plaguing you and no need to run anti spyware, adware, virus programs that use up all your resources and make the Windows computers slow and crash and burn.

alantf 10-16-2011 10:26 AM

Re: Rant

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
Get a MAC and get rid of Windows. No problems, viruses, crashes, etc. that are plaguing you and no need to run anti spyware, adware, virus programs that use up all your resources and make the Windows computers slow and crash and burn.

I'm no computer expert, so I accept what you're saying. Could you just explain WHY this is so, please (as simply as possible) :)

mrlmd1 10-16-2011 12:59 PM

Re: Rant
Nobody is writing viruses and spyware and adware for the Mac OS and you can't download anything into the MAC without giving it permission to do so (from a separate administrator account). The operating system is much more protected from outside influences and meddling. It's much more stable without 15-20 programs running simultaneously, many of these added on just to try and keep it clean. I have had a MAC Mini for the past 6 years and it has operated flawlessly with no hangups, crashes, viruses or anything, works as good as it did when it left the factory. I don't know of anyone with a MAC who has ever had any problem at all compared to a Windows computer, except for that insatiable urge to upgrade to something newer and faster. The next time you want a new computer, try it, you'll like it -- no -- love it. And it's FAST.

alantf 10-16-2011 01:22 PM

Re: Rant
Thank you. :)

Water Warrior 2 10-16-2011 07:15 PM

Re: Rant
Hmm, interesting info. Now I'm wondering if a Mac would be able to work in a wireless mode the same as I have now. My computer gets it's signal from Lynda's network in another room. I would think the Mac could receive the signal from the wireless router or whatever it is.
As a side note the new D-Link seems to be working successfully.

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