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Old 07-25-2010, 03:08 PM   #31
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Puyallup, Wa. USA
Posts: 58
Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

I'm 56 years old and have loved riding motorcycles since I was eight. I have a Sportster right now. We will be moving to the Big Island of Hawaii in a year or two.We already bought a house there. I recently sold my 2007 Yamaha XT225 dual sport and have my 2007 Royal Enfield 500 Bullet on consignment. I'm trimming the herd as shipping mainland to Hawaii costs big bucks. We will not be taking any furniture.Just probably my Sportster, my wife's SYM HD200 scooter, my tools, maybe out Toyota pickup, and a few other things. I can tell you that, once we move (and possibly before) I will be getting a smaller motorcycle (and will probably keep my XL883). I am thinking about another small dual sport-maybe a Suzuki DR200 (there is a Suzuki dealer in Hilo about 15 miles away). I would also consider a GZ250 street bike. Gas is always lots more money there. I do most of my own maintenance, so I prefer simple air cooled and non-EFI motorcycles. Also, I won't buy a bike with shim type valve adjusters.They are way more difficult to adjust, and you must buy the shims making you more dependant on the dealers.

I didn't want to sell the XT225, but someone approached me to buy it, and I sold as I am having to get rid of "things" as I can for the move.

Here is my short list of bikes I may buy:
1.Suzuki DR200
2. Yamaha XT225
3.Honda CRF230 dual sport
4.Honda Rebel
4.Suzuli GZ250
5.Yamaha Virago 250

This is all just to show that even an old geezer like me with almost 50 years of riding can still have fun riding smaller motorcycles. I believe that the industry (and I work in the industry) perpetuates the myth that you must have an ever larger and larger motorcycle with more power, more complexity, etc. This is simply a crock. I have toured with full camping gear on multi state trips with a 350cc thumper dual sport bike and had a blast doing it. Out modern bikes are approaching (and exceeding) 2000ccs (Yamaha designed,built, tested and dropped an over 2000cc street cruiser).

I think, if I had to have only one motorcycle, it might have to be something like a Suzuki DR650 (a 350 or 500 would be better,but nobody makes one).

Puyallup, Wa. USA

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Old 07-25-2010, 08:14 PM   #32
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Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

I cant say for any of the others on your list except the Rebel and GZ, I've been on both of those and the GZ just fits me better and is more comfortable. I felt a tad cramped on the Rebel. Guess it goes without saying but try before you buy. :2tup: Good luck on your move.
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Old 07-26-2010, 01:43 AM   #33
Water Warrior 2
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Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Suzuki make a nice 400 cc enduro. They also make a Motard version of that bike that is very popular.

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