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dentheman 07-19-2010 05:10 PM

2011 models on Suzuki site.
I see Suzuki has posted their 2011 models on their site. Slim pickings, indeed. The GZ is gone, but the TU is back!

Sarris 07-19-2010 05:29 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
I kind of figured they'd ax the GeeZer in the US because it needed fuel injection and catalyst to pass the 2011 emission regs.

It's a shame, as I think most would pay a few $$ more to get the updated version.


burkbuilds 07-19-2010 05:33 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
I agree with you Sarris. Maybe they just need a little more time to re-engineer things and they'll re-introduce it in a fuel injection version next year. With this economy, re-tooling for a new model line or a major engine change has got to be hard to justify. I don't see them putting the same engine from the TU into the GZ even though they share a lot of similarities, something about the exhaust on the TU just doesn't transfer to the "Cruiser" look. I think the Vulcan 500 was probably axed for similar reasons.

New GZ250 07-19-2010 06:24 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board) guess this only leaves the Kawasaki Nija 250 and the Yamaha V Star 250. Fewer and fewer small bikes available for the beginner and others. Many of the smaller to mid-size bikes can't be sold here. Thats why I have a Triumph Bonneville, would of gone smaller but nothing really available.

Easy Rider 07-19-2010 07:47 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Originally Posted by New GZ250
The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board)

Are you familiar with the details of that ??
It could be that Zuki just hasn't submitted that model for certification yet.
But then it seems I remember that EVERYTHING on the road was going to need a CAT very soon now.

alanmcorcoran 07-19-2010 08:35 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
So, will this make my '08 more saleable or less saleable?

5th_bike 07-19-2010 08:41 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
So, will this make my '08 more saleable or less saleable?

I think, if they really stopped making them, more saleable, because

a) it is relatively newer than the average GZ250 around.
b) the parts from previous model years fit it.

burkbuilds 07-19-2010 10:25 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
Alan, usually, older vehicles are only required to meet the restrictions that were in effect the year they were manufactured. So, your GZ should be very marketable in California, as long as it met the California restrictions for that bike in 2008. I personally believe that Kawasaki produced more 2009 Vulcan 500's than they expected to sale, so that they would still be available for sale as new bikes in 2010, even though they wouldn't have met the air pollution restrictions if they had been manufactured in 2010. This is one area where motorcycle manufacturers may have a slight advantage over car manufacturers. Cars that are left over from previous model years are extremely difficult to sell, and usually require a substantial discount for someone to consider buying one, thus, the introduction of next years models well before the end of the calendar year. However, there seems to be much less reluctance on the part of motorcycle buyers to buying last years model as a new bike, as long as there's some price incentive to do so.

New GZ250 07-19-2010 11:22 PM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
[quote=Easy Rider]

Originally Posted by "New GZ250":3d0qurti
The TU250 is not currenting available for sale in California due to CARB regulations.(California Air Resource Board)

Are you familiar with the details of that ??
It could be that Zuki just hasn't submitted that model for certification yet.
But then it seems I remember that EVERYTHING on the road was going to need a CAT very soon now.[/quote:3d0qurti]

I read a review for the 2009/2010 TU250 and it indicated the TU was coming to California in the future, kinda crazy because fuel injection burns a lot cleaner. I did a fast Google search and I don't see any for sale in California. Leave it to the regulators, I assume California would be a big market for Suzuki. When I bought my 09 GZ the TU wasn't an option.

Quote from Rider Magazine, they did a road test/review on the TU.

"You can’t buy a TU250X in California as I write this, but Suzuki has a Golden State version in the works. I hope it shows up soon. As a small, economical motorcycle for short trips the TU is easy to get along with and doesn’t try to be anything it’s not—just what you’d look for in a friend."

Water Warrior 2 07-20-2010 12:14 AM

Re: 2011 models on Suzuki site.
Quite a few 2010's and 2011's will not be on Suzuki's website until the current sales slump disappears. Some models just will not be produced until current inventories of new bikes of any year are sold off. Many 2 year old bikes are still sitting in crates ready to go home with some one. No manufacturer is immune to the economy and it's ups and downs. They will just produce what is most in demand to keep the doors open.

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