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Old 05-06-2008, 11:51 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: toronto ont canada
Posts: 177
windy ride

Have you ever walked with your back to the wind and it tends to push you along ?
Well this past sunday was just one of those days.
I took a ride up to the lake ( 100 km ) but while travelling I changed course to a more sheltered route after fighting gusts that pushed the bike to the centre line at speeds of 100km/hr. The tree lined road alowed a leisurely and safer speed of 70 km/hr. At the end of this road I had to turn left and drive due west directly into the wind ( 80 km/hr ) was ok for a couple of km then the road north to the lake 6 km came into view and I eagerly turned onto it. Soon I could see the lake grey and cold with white caps on it. when I got to the shore line road I stopped and parked the bike. The wind was so strong the waves crashed onto the shore and the spray could be felt. Some waves crashed onto a jutting pier and the splash rose 6-8 feet into the air. I parked the bike leaning away from the wind and walked across the road to get a large double/double coffee. Warmth. Back out into the wind I dreaded the ride back.

Much to my surprise the ride back was easier and I was able to safely maintain 80-90 km/hr.

The wind was 25-30 km/hr with gusts to 50 km/hr N to NW to W during the day. I did test the bike and once hit 110 km/hr up a hill into the wind and was still accelerating when I got to the top.

Bike ended the day idling 1500 rpm. A good ride ( 160 km ) that used about 5.5 litres of gas.

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