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Old 03-04-2011, 06:51 PM   #21
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

i owned a 02 vstar 650 custom and what an amazing bike it was! mine had drag pipes dual kn filters and jet kit, the bike ran incredible always dead reliable, got my 62 miles per gallon once, and shaft drive is a huge plus. but bro if i could afford it id buy the harley in a heartbeat. read alans post again, its totally true, ride up on a gz and get laughed at (not that i care, i pass every gas station) or ride up on that sexy beast.
99 gz 250 and a currently dismantled fzr 1000

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Old 03-05-2011, 04:12 AM   #22
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Originally Posted by geezer
i owned a 02 vstar 650 custom and what an amazing bike it was! mine had drag pipes dual kn filters and jet kit, the bike ran incredible always dead reliable, got my 62 miles per gallon once, and shaft drive is a huge plus. but bro if i could afford it id buy the harley in a heartbeat. read alans post again, its totally true, ride up on a gz and get laughed at (not that i care, i pass every gas station) or ride up on that sexy beast.
A lot of Harley owners don't consider the Sportster a Harley.'s got the name. But I can buy two of my bikes for one of theirs. I'm on the road 12 months out of the year and mine doesn't spend it's life in the shop. lol Now, if a Fatboy were affordable...

2009 V-Star 650 Silverado Pearl White
2007 Suzuki GZ250 Black (sold)
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Old 03-05-2011, 11:07 AM   #23
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Originally Posted by mole2
A lot of Harley owners don't consider the Sportster a Harley.'s got the name. But I can buy two of my bikes for one of theirs.

That is very true, its like buying a Trans-Am with a V-6 in it, or one of those Mustangs with a 4 cylinder engine in it, your "technically" drivin' a Mustang, but ain't no other Mustang drivers even gonna acknowledge you exist.
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Old 03-06-2011, 04:36 AM   #24
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Hi all, sorry I haven't been able to reply before but I've been really busy with my studies. I had to learn how to study all over again... :retard:

Anyway, I wanna to clarify something that perhaps was not explicit enough in my original post (sorry about that)... I forgot to mention that when I posted the comparison, I had already shopped around the different brands and models that I liked (Yamaha V-Star 950, Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic SE, Honda VT750C Shadow Phantom, Triumph New America (865cc), and of course Suzuki Boulevard M50 SE and Harley Davidson 883 Low and then the Superlow)... And at the time I asked you guys, I already had picked up the 2 models that I liked the most, those in which I felt the most comfortable with both power and riding position for me.
Thanks anyway to all of you that suggested that I should shop around more... It's true, is only when you sit on the bike, and at least test drive it for a bit, when you really know if the looks are enough for you...

With the Harley, I have to agree with mole2 and music man, Harley riders don't consider the Sportster a "real" Harley... Funny thing happened when I went to test drove the Superlow... This huge guy comes in with his girlfriend (I guess?) and says to the salesman that he wants to buy a bike for his b...h! (I think we all know what he said)... So the salesman (a really big fella too) shows the Sportster to the guy and, almost immediately the guy responded: "That's no Harley!! Heck, that's not even a chick's Harley!" :lol: ... The best part (??) is that I was still on the bike when the salesman replied: "I know, but what can I do? I have to sale these too"... I mean WTF dude I'm still here!! :fu: hahahahaha :lol: After such a scene I just laughed... What else could I do? (I didn't wanted to die!! hahahaha)...

Anyway, I test drove the Superlow and I have to say that for me it is a HUGE improvement from the 883 Low... The ridding position is ten times better, the seat is much more comfortable, and the bike feels more friendly (perhaps) for new riders... Also I've read that fuel consumption has improved a lot too, probably because it's a bigger tank though, but either way it's still good.

At the end, I think I'll wait a bit longer to upgrade my bike in order to gain more experience with my Marauder 250, specially with Spring almost here :rawk: ... It's definitely a great first bike and I'm getting more confident riding it... :2tup:
Thanks all for your comments, I really appreciate them! :2tup:

08' Marauder 250 (Gray)
98' VW Jetta GT
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:25 PM   #25
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Even though I'm an admitted douche - of all the reasons not to buy a Harley, it's probably the general douchiness of the Harley "experience" that turns me off the most. The thing I really don't get is that Harley riders seem to fall into two categories: Guys that truly look like badasses and Guys That Look Like Me That Would Like to Think They Are Bad Asses (but Aren't And Never Will Be). I get why the second group buys Harleys (probably because I partly got the Suzi, and the Yamaha for similar reasons) but I don't understand why the first group is so loyal. Is it the American made thing? I mean these guys are gonna be badasses if they go down the road on a 50cc Vespa. I'm going to give them a wide berth no matter what they're riding.

Are we still fighting World War II here? A union thing? Even my dad finally broke down and bought a Honda (he's 89 - fought in WWII and Korea, got on my ass for years for buying Toyotas - was pissed when he found out his Chrysler was actually a Mitsubishi.)

Anyway, I like the looks of a lot of the Harleys I see, and Sarris has convinced me that some/most of the reported mechanical/maintenance issues are either overblown or can be overcome. But it would be hard to overcome the wannabe aspect for me as I clearly would never be mistaken for an actual badass. I'd just look like another nerd trying to strap on a pair by riding a Harley. Might as well save my money.
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Old 03-07-2011, 07:29 AM   #26
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

I believe it is mostly a "buy American" thing. Harley isn't the only american made bike. Victory is also made in the U.S.A. Engine is 103 c.i.
But even if you do buy a metric, aren't you supporting american jobs?
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Old 03-07-2011, 01:21 PM   #27
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Originally Posted by bonehead
But even if you do buy a metric, aren't you supporting american jobs?
For the sales, finance and service guys. Sure. Not so much for the factory worker, designer, robot makers, machinists etc.

The Buy American thing seems like a no-brainer but it's actually not as simple as politicians make it out to be. If all things were equal, it *is* to the greatest benefit to all if you buy something locally. However, if everyone *only* bought things available locally, regardless of preference or price, everything would be less reliable, improve more slowly (if at all) and cost (everybody) more. There would also be more shortages and many things would simply not be available period.

The whole idea behind the concept of free trade is that everyone benefits from people doing the thing they do best. Of course, if you don't do anything well, you are kind of screwed. Part of Buy American is an implicit suggestion "...even if you'd rather not."

A high percentage of the oil that made the gas that goes in a Harley comes from overseas and the Chinese buy our debt. It's nice to be self sufficient, especially if you are at war, but it's more efficient to be cooperative.

I have a Suburban and a Steinway - both cost me a ton of money and were made in America. Bought 'em cause I wanted them, not specifically to support American workers. But perhaps that gives me a coupon to buy a handful of Japanese motorcycles.
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Old 03-13-2011, 03:08 AM   #28
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

Hacc81, sorry man, but if you go for the HD you're gonna have to give up that full face helmet.
Sorry, bud. :neener:
Lovin' every minute of it.

2005 GZ250 (sold after 26000km)
2013 CB500XA
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Old 03-13-2011, 03:58 AM   #29
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

And maybe dress like a pirate. Did you realize H-D colors are black/orange like Halloween ? All kidding aside I would own a H-D if I had a fortune to spend on a large garage and toys to fill it. A Ninja 250 would be a hoot too. A Ural sidecar rig would be on the short list too.
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:39 AM   #30
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Re: Daily commuter... Boulevard M50 or Sportster 883 Superlo

WW I sat on an M50 yesterday. Have not ridden one. Seems like the riding position is "less cruiser style" than say a C50(?) Felt like the handlebars required me to lean more forward than sit upright. anyway I have ridden a C50. Thanks.
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