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Old 11-03-2010, 08:18 PM   #1
Water Warrior 2
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Diminishing Enthusiasm.

So here I sit at my desk and have a very rideable bike a short distance away. I don't really care anymore about riding. Seems I have hit a real slump in my enthusiasm for riding this year. Beautiful fall weather and colors to enjoy but I keep grabbing the keys to the Ranger.
Having ridden the Vstrom for 5 years now I wonder if it is time for a different ride or just wait till the spring and play with the idea of riding again. Anybody else gone through this lull in interest ?? Maybe the 7 year itch come early or something similar ??

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Old 11-03-2010, 08:25 PM   #2
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
So here I sit at my desk and have a very rideable bike a short distance away. I don't really care anymore about riding. Seems I have hit a real slump in my enthusiasm for riding this year. Beautiful fall weather and colors to enjoy but I keep grabbing the keys to the Ranger.
Having ridden the Vstrom for 5 years now I wonder if it is time for a different ride or just wait till the spring and play with the idea of riding again. Anybody else gone through this lull in interest ?? Maybe the 7 year itch come early or something similar ??
Sounds like it's time for that new ride.Maybe you should be on the M-50. :poke2: :lol:
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Old 11-03-2010, 09:18 PM   #3
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

WW, you should just blame it on global warming, it gets blamed for almost everything else that happens already. LOL :skeptical:

Sorry to hear that your enthusiasm has hit a lull. I guess my first question for you would be, is your enthusiasm down for more than just riding at this time? If so, maybe there's a reason that you feel that way, that has no basis with riding. Stress, and changes in anyone's daily life can sometimes change how we feel about things we were once enthusiastic about. Sometimes concern over someone we care about, when they are having a rough time or struggling with an illness, can dull our usual enthusiasm for activities we normally enjoy.

I have also noticed that I tend to go through phases of high and low enthusiasm for certain activities and sometimes I actually stop doing something I once enjoyed a lot and then found something else that I was newly excited about doing. There was a time in my life when I played some type of sport almost daily, year round, not anymore. I used to ride trail bikes, that's over with for me. I used to play golf several times a week, had to quit that bad habit. Maybe one day I will also get tired of putting on all the gear and doing all the maintenance that it takes to keep a bike in top form and this too will pass.

It's also possible that you've just "ridden yourself out" for a while. If I remember correctly you've had some pretty long trips this year and maybe you just need a guilt free break from the bike for a season and your enthusiasm will return with the spring weather. My recommendation would be to take a break for a while and not feel guilty about preferring the Ranger. Maybe, like Brett Favre, after you've had a few months off, you will be ready to climb back in the saddle again.

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Old 11-04-2010, 02:12 AM   #4
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

Had a couple longish rides this year but they weren't fun sort of thing. That and the somewhat uncooperative weather most of the summer. Could have should have been out today in the sunshine but I just couldn't muster up the energy to dress up in all the gear and clean dust off the face shield.
Oh yeah, the M-50 is a thought but it isn't mine. Lynda is kinda the only rider. Can't blame her either. If it was a C-50 I might try to talk her out of it permanently though. It is a much better fit for me.
Think I'll just sit around for a couple weeks and see how much riding weather shows up to entice me out on the street. Then I'll make a decision to/not to keep the insurance on it this winter.
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Old 11-04-2010, 05:21 AM   #5
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

I've lost interest in many distractions over the years. I have a name for it. I call it "There's No More Flavor In This Gum" syndrome. Sometimes they come back, sometimes they don't. Continuing to ride out of obligation or guilt, or some other sense of responsibility doesn't make a lot of sense - although I'm by no means suggesting that everything I do makes any sense either. Perhaps you've simply reached a "been there, done that" stage and it's not that much fun anymore.

Riding is a pretty risky distraction. If it's not really something you enjoy, I say get a library card or a new girl friend.
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Old 11-04-2010, 05:25 AM   #6
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

Ouch. It does sound like your burnt out.....nothing wrong with that. Take some time, drive the car, walk the dog, smell the roses etc. Wait till after winter and mayhaps the urge to get out on the bike and just ride will come back. Mayhaps it won't. I hope it does for you, but if it doesn't, so be it. Don't force it, otherwise you'll just end up hating it. Good luck!
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Old 11-04-2010, 09:45 AM   #7
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

I'm kind of in the same spot you are. I put close to 15,000 miles on bikes this year, most of it pretty early on. I got back from California at the beginning of June with 11,000 and change on the new bike, and after that only a bit less than 4000. I put both of my bikes away for the Winter in October, which is pathetically early for me. Many years I have ridden right through the Winter.

Right now I feel the same way you do. The desire just isn't there. I'm assuming it will return in the Spring. If not, I'll sell 'em and move on. Like Alan, it wouldn't be the first hobby I've burned out on, but it might be the most dangerous.
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:35 AM   #8
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

A lot of people have those feelings. It may be general despair with our country's problems.

The economy, government gridlock, poor communication, general malaise, and shitty cage drivers all contribute to those feelings too.

Give it time, if it's meant to be, it will be.

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Old 11-04-2010, 10:41 AM   #9
Easy Rider
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

Originally Posted by Sarris
A lot of people have those feelings. It may be general despair with our country's problems.
I seem to be getting the feeling "Been there, done that" about almost everything these days......except for riding the bike. I don't get to do it every day so it is still a treat.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:10 AM   #10
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Re: Diminishing Enthusiasm.

Could it be something to do with using your bike for long rides? Unfortunately we've nowhere to do that sort of thing, but my geezer is my primary transport. We only use the car if we've too much stuff to carry on the bike, or too many passengers. So apart from the few bad days a year when I need waterproofs or leathers, it's just a case of going down to the garage in jeans & tee shirt, jumping on the bike, & riding - even if it's just to the supermarket. I really think that it's all to do with the weather, the type of area you live in, & what you use the bike for. :2tup:
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