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Old 07-22-2010, 04:59 PM   #11
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Oh I forgot to mention that just the other day I was riding home from work and ran across a street that had been torn up the day before for repaving and it had about an inch or two of gravel on the top. I have to say I was intimidated, but I just took it slow and easy. I feel I have a good understanding of how to move and react when dealing with it so I was pretty happy to overcome that. Just thought I would share since it took my down when I was younger and less experienced several months ago! ha Thanks all

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Old 07-22-2010, 06:45 PM   #12
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by joeladams20
I read in one forum at least one rider with this issue, but is it REALLY common?
Yes, I think so. I had forgotten that mine did that; I just learned to "tune it out" and then one day realized that it wasn't doing that anymore. A thousand or so miles later it needed new pads.
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Old 07-22-2010, 11:01 PM   #13
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Hi Joel, glad to have you ACTIVELY with us now, not just lurking in the background . I think we both got our saddle bags from the same source, they look just like the ones on my Vulcan 500, originally made somewhere in Pakistan. It's good to know they have something to export from Pakistan that isn't a controlled substance :tongue: Somebody teased me about them being made of "Ass of Yak", but whatever it is, it is tough leather. I've put over 18,000 miles on my bike since installing them and I've ridden in lots of downpours and they have held up well and kept my stuff dry.

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Old 07-23-2010, 05:40 AM   #14
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
It's good to know they have something to export from Pakistan that isn't a controlled substance
I totally agree about quality. I bought an "interstate leather" jacket (that's a company out of Milwaukee - yes, we can get American products over here) When I got it home, I noticed the "made in Pakistan" label. It's been one of the most hardwearing, well made, jackets I've ever had. :2tup:
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:24 PM   #15
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by joeladams20
I read in one forum at least one rider with this issue, but is it REALLY common?
Yes, I think so. I had forgotten that mine did that; I just learned to "tune it out" and then one day realized that it wasn't doing that anymore. A thousand or so miles later it needed new pads.
is it the original suzuki pads that do it? Does anyone know if I buy replacement pads is there a particular brand that is less likely to create the squeal?

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
I think we both got our saddle bags from the same source, they look just like the ones on my Vulcan 500, originally made somewhere in Pakistan. It's good to know they have something to export from Pakistan that isn't a controlled substance :tongue: Somebody teased me about them being made of "Ass of Yak", but whatever it is, it is tough leather. I've put over 18,000 miles on my bike since installing them and I've ridden in lots of downpours and they have held up well and kept my stuff dry.
Yeah I found the bags and instantly knew they were perfect after seeing them on a red bike. A vulcan sounds about right. Good to know that they are long lasting. They had to be adjusted several times because when I would put stuff in them they would scoot to close for comfort to my exhaust. I am much happier with this purchase than the spitfire windshield. It is WAY TO SMALL and blows the wind right at my face.

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Old 07-23-2010, 12:31 PM   #16
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by joeladams20
is it the original suzuki pads that do it? Does anyone know if I buy replacement pads is there a particular brand that is less likely to create the squeal?

I am much happier with this purchase than the spitfire windshield. It is WAY TO SMALL and blows the wind right at my face.
Brake pads: Yes, the OEM ones. IIRC, my second set didn't do that nearly as much.
I assume the dealer used Suzuki "standard" replacements but I don't know that for sure.

Windshield: At the risk of suggesting something you have tried already............
Move the whole shield up higher and stand it up straighter.

[edit] Just looked at your picture and you can't move the shield UP any more probably but it can (and should) be quite a bit more vertical to get max. benefit. To prevent instability at speed, you need a slight rake at the top......but just an inch or two. Looks like you are maybe 8-10 inches off vertical now.

BUT.....over a lot of years and a LOT of different shields,I found that the only ones I am really happy with are the biggest ones I can find......tall and wide. That did present a slight problem with the GZ though as it caused more wind drag and not less.
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:41 PM   #17
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by joeladams20
A thousand or so miles later it needed new pads.
I live in the mountains, so every ride starts with a long ride downhill with a 30mph limit.
The mileage I've got out of the pads is 1984, 2863, 1365, 1842, 1235. (I've converted kilometers to miles)
1984 is Suzuki, 2863 is a black pad (don't know the name), 1365, 1842, 1235 are the red pads that the bike shop uses now. So it seems like there IS variable quality between pads. Problem is, even if I bought them from another source, I still wouldn't know which were the longest lasting, until I'd tried them.
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:48 PM   #18
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by Easy Rider

[edit] Just looked at your picture and you can't move the shield UP any more probably but it can (and should) be quite a bit more vertical to get max. benefit. To prevent instability at speed, you need a slight rake at the top......but just an inch or two. Looks like you are maybe 8-10 inches off vertical now.

BUT.....over a lot of years and a LOT of different shields,I found that the only ones I am really happy with are the biggest ones I can find......tall and wide. That did present a slight problem with the GZ though as it caused more wind drag and not less.
Yeah I want a bigger windshield, but that will come with my bigger bike when I decide to upgrade. It's funny because I used to have it slightly more vertical, but the wind always moves it on its own no matter how tight I make it. But thanks for the suggestion - I look at it everyday so I didn't even notice it was like that. I may try it again and see if I can get it to stay.

And thanks for any and all feedback on the brakes!!
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:51 PM   #19
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by joeladams20
It's funny because I used to have it slightly more vertical, but the wind always moves it on its own no matter how tight I make it.
If the clamps are rotating on the bars, you might try some double-sided carpet tape.
I had one once like that and the tape worked wonders. Was a bitch to re-adjust though.
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Old 07-23-2010, 12:51 PM   #20
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Re: joel procrastinated about 4 months, then posted his bike

Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by joeladams20
A thousand or so miles later it needed new pads.
I live in the mountains, so every ride starts with a long ride downhill with a 30mph limit.
The mileage I've got out of the pads is 1984, 2863, 1365, 1842, 1235. (I've converted kilometers to miles)
1984 is Suzuki, 2863 is a black pad (don't know the name), 1365, 1842, 1235 are the red pads that the bike shop uses now. So it seems like there IS variable quality between pads. Problem is, even if I bought them from another source, I still wouldn't know which were the longest lasting, until I'd tried them.
Great appreciate the detailed information regarding your pad replacements. It gives me a good idea as to how long they last, since my mileage is about 1750 right now with original pads. That is REALLY good to know.
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