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Old 07-06-2010, 06:39 PM   #1
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Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Hey everyone! I will be going on my first ride / first lesson tomorrow afternoon and I have a few questions. I have been reading a lot on the internet and on here the website in preparation for my BRC next week and I've also watched a lot of videos on Youtube to try and help. Today I started just trying to get a real basic feel for my bike and where the friction zone on the clutch is, so basically I just practiced slowly letting the clutch out until it grabbed and then stopping the bike backing up and doin it all over again. My question is that when I was finished with this exercise I found it really hard almost impossible to pull the gear shifter up halfway and put the bike into neutral. It just didn't want to shift up either into neutral or 2nd gear. The exception to this was that if I almost fully released the clutch while moving and then reengaged the clutch it shifted into 2nd without a problem and then I could downshift easily into neutral from there. It seemed that on most every video I watched (one was on a GZ) the rider didnt have any problem lifting the gear shifter into neutral from first to turn the bike off. Am I missing something? The bike is brand new and has only a couple miles on it. Thanks in advance for all the helpful responses!

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Old 07-06-2010, 07:02 PM   #2
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

First, let me suggest that if you plan to ride before you take the course, let the first few hours be in an empty parking lot, or similar place with no traffic and lots of room. The exercise you did today was a good way to start. You will find that it is also one of the first exercises you will do when you do take the course.

From your description, I can't tell if you were trying to get the bike into neutral with the engine running, or stopped. At any rate, a brand new transmission will be stiff, and will become easier as it gets broken in. Needing to "fish" for neutral is normal. The easiest way I know to get into neutral from first is to turn the engine off, and lift the shift lever, gently at first and applying more upward pressure as needed, while rocking the bike back and forth with the clutch fully engaged (hand off the lever).

A bit of terminology: the clutch is engaged when the lever is fully released. The clutch is disengaged when the lever is fully squeezed.

To find neutral from first with the engine running, disengage the clutch, apply upward pressure to the shift lever, and slowly and carefully ease the clutch into the beginnings of the friction zone, and then disengage when it starts to grab. Repeat as needed, applying more pressure to the shifter if needed. It's very much something that you get a feel for with a bit of practice.
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:13 PM   #3
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

A couple of things to consider. First the bike is new and even machined surfaces require some time to break in and get smooth. Second, you are experiencing a constant mesh transmission hang up. Not to worry though, it is just the design and nature of the beast. Once you are actually on the move things will work as you expect. When the tranny hangs up while the bike is stationary just apply a little pressure to the shifter and ease out the clutch a bit. It will probably just pop into gear or neutral. Also rolling back or frontwards and trying that might be even better. Just part of the learning curve we all go through. After your first oil change at 600 miles it will be even smoother than ever. Take your time and do feel free to ask any question no matter how silly it may seem at the time. You are new and we are here to help.

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Old 07-06-2010, 07:41 PM   #4
Easy Rider
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Originally Posted by DroidHoff
I have been reading a lot on the internet and on here the website in preparation for my BRC next week and I've also watched a lot of videos on Youtube to try and help.
Finding neutral is always tricky for a new rider; others have covered that.
Your clutch cable may need some adjustment but probably not.

My advice for the course is: Ears and eyes open and mouth shut.

The instructors will just LOVE you (NOT) if you ask a question like: "But it says in Proficient Motorcycling......." If you MUST ask a question like that, do it privately with an instructor. Don't put him/her on the spot in front of the whole class.

A little basic practice on the bike is almost always good. Too much reading ahead sometimes is not.
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Old 07-06-2010, 09:18 PM   #5
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

You'll learn to love your bike for its little quirks. These are things that give it personality. When I first started riding a little over a decade ago I didn't even know there was such a thing as a BRC. I wish I had. The best advice I was given after my riding test to get my license was to not go out on the road until I felt absolutely comfortable with the bike. I spent a couple of weeks riding around my neighborhood before I got out on the road. Then when I did I went out with friends. Not to scare you. Just take it easy out there

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Old 07-06-2010, 10:00 PM   #6
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Geez thanks Guys! I love this forum already! I will let you know how tomorrow goes but I'm thinking its just kind of gonna be more of a walk through than anything. I'm hoping to get a little practice just learning how to balance on a motorcycle and get familiar / comfortable with braking and shifting.
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Old 07-07-2010, 04:56 AM   #7
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Your clutch cable may need some adjustment but probably not.
If I remember correctly, I think it was something like 1000 miles from new when the controls started to feel uncomfortable, & I had to adjust virtually all the cables due to cable stretch.
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Old 07-07-2010, 08:43 AM   #8
GZ Jess
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Like everyone else said, neutral is tricky. I've seen seasoned riders on new and old bike have issues finding neutral. With my GZ, definitely rocking the bike helps get it in neutral. My GZ has two other quirks that I thought were my issues when I first started riding, 1. the shifter will not continue to let you downshift if you do not let it come completely up between downshifts. I thought that I was fully releasing it but it wouldn't downshift, now it's second nature to let the lever bounce all the way back up, 2. some times when I first started riding I would finish down shifting sitting at a light and for some reason I would not be able to get the bike in 1st, I would have to roll it a little and "stomp" on the lever. Now I have found that if I finish my downshifting while still rolling to a stop I don't have that problem.

Each bike is going to have it's own quirks and when you figure them out it becomes second nature to do it the way your bike likes LOL. Be safe and practice!

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Old 07-08-2010, 01:13 AM   #9
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Originally Posted by GZ Jess
Like everyone else said, neutral is tricky. I've seen seasoned riders on new and old bike have issues finding neutral. With my GZ, definitely rocking the bike helps get it in neutral. My GZ has two other quirks that I thought were my issues when I first started riding, 1. the shifter will not continue to let you downshift if you do not let it come completely up between downshifts. I thought that I was fully releasing it but it wouldn't downshift, now it's second nature to let the lever bounce all the way back up, 2. some times when I first started riding I would finish down shifting sitting at a light and for some reason I would not be able to get the bike in 1st, I would have to roll it a little and "stomp" on the lever. Now I have found that if I finish my downshifting while still rolling to a stop I don't have that problem.

Each bike is going to have it's own quirks and when you figure them out it becomes second nature to do it the way your bike likes LOL. Be safe and practice!


I have also found it useful to downshift when you hit the proper speed; just in case you need to start moving again. So on the GZ250, slowing from 55mph shifting to 4th when you hit 40-45, 3rd when you hit 30, 2nd when you hit 20, and 1st when you hit 10.
Maybe that just works for me, but in California the last thing people want is to wait for you to find the right gear to be in when the light turns green all of a sudden.
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Old 07-08-2010, 04:29 PM   #10
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Re: Going on my first ride tomorrow a few questions???

Thanks for all the tips on shifting you guys :rawk: !!! Here are some of the pictures from my first ride! This was the first time I've ever been on a motorcycle and I still haven't stopped smiling! This motorcycle is very very nice to ride and perfect for someone with little to no experience or someone who just wants to enjoy the riding experience, I Love It!!!

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