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Old 04-17-2010, 02:52 AM   #11
Charlie Foxtrot
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Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Alright, I drained the carburetor float bowl, or so I'm assuming I did, and I let it drain until it was strait gas that was coming out. How does water get in there anyway? At first it smelled like water and then it smelled like water and gas and then finally just gas so I'm assuming i drained it correctly. The battery was dead though so I couldn't see if that is what the problem was. I am currently charging the battery over night and I will reinstall it tomorrow to see if that was all that I needed to do. If not then I will add the gas treatment along with a full tank of fresh gas to see if that helps.

One question that I have is will a higher octane fuel remove any gunk that is in the carburetor such as 105 octane or will that just cause a failure of the spark plug? Or should I just stick with the gas treatment?

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Old 04-17-2010, 05:18 AM   #12
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Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot

One question that I have is will a higher octane fuel remove any gunk that is in the carburetor such as 105 octane or will that just cause a failure of the spark plug? Or should I just stick with the gas treatment?
(1) octane is NOTHING to do with carb cleaning.
(2) NEVER use high octane fuel in the GZ
(3) ALWAYS use the lowest octane fuel you can get
(4) use fuel without ethanol if at all possible

All the high octane fuel does is retard the firing point. This is only needed on high compression engines, where the heat generated during compression could cause premature ignition. BTW, it's nothing to do with causing failure of the plug. If you have a carb problem (& this seems to be the GZ's achilles heel) you need a carb cleaner, & if this doesn't work, I'm afraid it's a carb strip & clean. As a precaution, I usually add a fuel additive every 3 or 4 tankfuls. :2tup:
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Old 04-17-2010, 11:32 AM   #13
Easy Rider
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Re: Throttle Killing the motor?

Originally Posted by Charlie Foxtrot
How does water get in there anyway?

I am currently charging the battery over night and I will reinstall it tomorrow to see if that was all that I needed to do. If not then I will add the gas treatment along with a full tank of fresh gas to see if that helps.

One question that I have is will a higher octane fuel
Water sometimes comes in WITH the gas but mostly from condensation during times of wide temp. changes and a low gas level in the tank.

It is NOT necessary to remove the battery to charge it......or for winter storage. Matter of fact, it is not even desirable as an "oops" during removal or re-install can soil your undies !!

Higher octane fuel will do NOTHING except lighten your wallet. Only in the home state of NASCAR would anybody even talk about 105 octane !!! Normally that's avaition fuel. :shocked:
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