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Old 01-05-2010, 10:08 AM   #31
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Re: New Jacket.

WW - I did and it is.
It was about 30 outside with a 25 mph wind and the jacket is actually impervious to wind and quite warm. I should have had a woolen ski cap on 'cause I almost froze my ears off. But the jacket should be good. It's a little longer than the insulated leather one I have and that should make a bit of difference too.
Still have to work on something for the legs. My leather overpants block the wind but they can get a little cold and really need some insulation like fleece pants underneath maybe. Or, I'll just try out my snowmobile suit. It would be nice if that was armored.
How much money can you spend on this stuff just to try and be happy? It seems like it never ends.

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Old 01-05-2010, 12:08 PM   #32
Easy Rider
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Re: New Jacket.

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
Still have to work on something for the legs.
Visit a farm supply or big box sporting goods story (Bass Pro) and look at bib overalls, Carhart or similar. Might even have insulated ones in your neighborhood.....after the little cold snap this week. :roll:

I've got a new snowmobile suit but haven't tried it out yet. I don't even like to go out in the CAR at -5 F.
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Old 01-05-2010, 01:31 PM   #33
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Re: New Jacket.

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
WW - I did and it is.
It was about 30 outside with a 25 mph wind and the jacket is actually impervious to wind and quite warm. I should have had a woolen ski cap on 'cause I almost froze my ears off. But the jacket should be good. It's a little longer than the insulated leather one I have and that should make a bit of difference too.
Still have to work on something for the legs. My leather overpants block the wind but they can get a little cold and really need some insulation like fleece pants underneath maybe. Or, I'll just try out my snowmobile suit. It would be nice if that was armored.
How much money can you spend on this stuff just to try and be happy? It seems like it never ends.
What ??? You have a snowmobile suit in Florida ??? Here's an idea if you are really serious about cold weather riding. Snow suit and under armor. Fits right on the old body and stays in place.
As for how much money can you spend............lots and lots and lots and then some more. Everytime I think we have what we need there is a new product out there aimed at the wallet and the result is generally more smiles and comfort. If I had the courage and patience to add up the cost of bike mods and different gear I would probably have a heart attack. But what the hay, riding keeps us young and looking into the future for more rides to places not yet visited and friends we haven't met yet.

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Old 01-05-2010, 02:11 PM   #34
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Re: New Jacket.

I got the snowmobile suit when I lived in NJ and had to go out to the boatyard in NYC to do some winter chores on my boat. It was about the only thing I could wear and stay warm and still move around in. And as I never throw anything out that's still useful, I naturally brought it down here when I moved, never thinking that some day I might actually put it on again. But I think I'm going to try it. The colors, blue and red, might be weird enough to attract some attention too, but who gives a crap. I might be able to fit my armored jacket under it and if I ever hit the ground, being so padded, I would probably bounce, but at least I'm sure I'd be warm. Would probably work up a sweat in the 5 min. or so it takes to get dressed. This whole thing is a real sickness but I guess we all got it.
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Old 01-05-2010, 02:41 PM   #35
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Re: New Jacket.

A sickness for sure. Gotta check the weather and try for a medicating ride.

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Old 01-05-2010, 06:20 PM   #36
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Re: New Jacket.

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
I got the snowmobile suit when I lived in NJ and had to go out to the boatyard in NYC to do some winter chores on my boat. It was about the only thing I could wear and stay warm and still move around in. And as I never throw anything out that's still useful, I naturally brought it down here when I moved, never thinking that some day I might actually put it on again. But I think I'm going to try it. The colors, blue and red, might be weird enough to attract some attention too, but who gives a crap. I might be able to fit my armored jacket under it and if I ever hit the ground, being so padded, I would probably bounce, but at least I'm sure I'd be warm. Would probably work up a sweat in the 5 min. or so it takes to get dressed. This whole thing is a real sickness but I guess we all got it.
I love your attitude!!!! I'm the same way. I'd rather be safe than sorry!!! Good for you & being from MN I'm pretty sure I know just exactly what that snowmobile suit looks like. I just wish mine would still fit me!!!

Mary :roll:
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Old 01-05-2010, 06:47 PM   #37
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Re: New Jacket.

Okay, I was out riding this morning in 17 degrees, about 20 minutes then inside for a while, then back out and rode for about 45 minutes. My conclusion was that although the heated gear (vest, gloves and grips) and the nice 1st gear jacket made it bearable, they didn't make it pleasant. My upper body was "chilly" but not cold and my fingers were cool, but not painful. Mostly though, my toes and knees got like ice by the end of my 45 minute ride and so I decided that I'd take the truck to Atlanta tonight, especially since there's a chance of precipitation there on Thursday. I guess what I'm saying is that I wimped out! Oh well, I'll be back by the weekend and maybe we will have a heatwave into the 20's or something!
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Old 01-05-2010, 07:59 PM   #38
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Re: New Jacket.

Stop calling yourself a wimp. A strategic retreat to the truck is a wise move. The truck is a safety net and meant to be used when warranted. Drive safely and live to ride another day. I am sure your family wants you to return unfrozen and happy to be alive.
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Old 01-05-2010, 09:50 PM   #39
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Re: New Jacket.

Thanks WW, it was nice to have the option to take the truck this time. It's been out of reach for several months because we had an unexpected house guest that needed transportation to college and work while she went to court to get her own car (and other personal possessions) back, which took about three months. The courts may be slow, but justice was eventually served and she finally got her car and title back about the middle of December, which meant that I now had something else to use to get back and forth other than my bike, for the first time in several months! I looked at the forecast here for Friday night and it's supposed to hit 12 degrees! That's pretty cold for Atlanta even if it's just a "brisk" day for all you northerners! Oh well, I decided to take the bike in and let the dealer give it a nice going over before the next semester starts for me. It should be ready to pick up Saturday morning.
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Old 01-05-2010, 10:02 PM   #40
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Re: New Jacket.

There's nothing like a lack of options to firm up one's resolve to tackle the cold.
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