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Old 07-16-2009, 08:37 AM   #11
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Ok, some good, some bad.

I took the choke cable apart and successfully lubed it with WD40 using the cable luber I got. Success! It worked well. I can actually move the lever without straining. So, this was definitely a huge part of the problem. It seems to be running good now, except..... (will get to this later.)

I also changed the air cleaner. The old one was dirty as heck and saturated in gas. I'm assuming this is because the engine was constantly flooding and gas vapours were pouring out of the vent tube that leads from the carb to the air cleaner? I took out the drain plug and almost 3/4 cup of water/gas came pouring out of the air cleaner housing. I don't think that's normal but am sure it's a symptom of the bad choke cable.

So, I've got it running fairly good except one problem. When I shut it off it backfires something fierce. Also, when I rev it then quickly let off of the throttle I can here a bit of a "put put put" as it comes down to idle speed. Also, when I got back from a ride and the engine was hot, I noticed it was idling quite a bit faster.

Stuff you should know:
- i haven't set the idle speed because I figure I have to fix whatever else is wrong first. (also, I don't have a tachometer.) I mean, I haven't set it properly. I adjusted it "by ear."
- It's still full of premium gasoline, or 1/2 full anyway. I haven't put and carb cleaner in the gas.

So, i guess the question is: "what's the next step?" The service manual doesn't mention backfiring. I'm trying to do the "easy" stuff first.
- carb clean?
- valve clearance check? (thanks burkbuilds for good advice on how to do this!)

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Old 07-16-2009, 09:51 AM   #12
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

When Mine was at about 6000 mi. I noticed I had to choke it to start, and the after it warmed up the idle would be racing. After I adjusted my valves everything went back to normal. hardly have to choke to start now and the idle stays the same. Just a thought, it could be the valve adj.
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Old 07-16-2009, 10:03 AM   #13
Easy Rider
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Originally Posted by Jere
I took the choke cable apart and successfully lubed it with WD40 using the cable luber I got.

I took out the drain plug and almost 3/4 cup of water/gas came pouring out of the air cleaner housing. I don't think that's normal but am sure it's a symptom of the bad choke cable.

Also, when I got back from a ride and the engine was hot, I noticed it was idling quite a bit faster.
First, WD40 is NOT a lubricant; it leaves a sticky residue after it dries. It might be OK for the choke mechanism on the bars as it is supposed to drag......but if you put WD INTO the cable, you should follow up with some "real" oil.

What you drained out is more than "normal" but it will accumulate a few ounces over a years time. Maybe it had never been drained before.

You should set the idle speed after a ride when the engine IS hot......and then compensate for the slow speed when cold by leaving the choke on a bit longer, just enough to maintain a workable idle speed. Hopefully that will eliminate your POP on turn-off.

Now when the tank is half full is a good time to add carb. cleaner. Seafoam or Berryman's B12 Chemtool. Read the directions and put in the recommended amount for a FULL tank (3 gal. ?). Run it for about 10 minutes or 5 miles. Let it sit overnight. Fill up with regular gas. Hopefully things will improve before the whole tank is gone.

Is your bike completely stock, as far as intake and exhaust goes ? (Did I ask that already?)
At some point, you need to check for vacume leaks too; rubber boots front and back of carb. and hose going to petcock.

Sounds like you are almost "there". :2tup:
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Old 07-16-2009, 10:05 AM   #14
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Originally Posted by bonehead
When Mine was at about 6000 mi. I noticed I had to choke it to start, and the after it warmed up the idle would be racing. After I adjusted my valves everything went back to normal. hardly have to choke to start now and the idle stays the same. Just a thought, it could be the valve adj.
Good information. I think Alan C. had a similar experience.
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Old 07-16-2009, 11:38 AM   #15
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

I'm with Easy on the WD-40. My thoughts are that if you WANT something to rust or get stuck, then use WD-40.
Standing with the PGR until they stand for me.

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Old 07-16-2009, 01:01 PM   #16
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Thanks all, especially Easy. You've been very patient with a motorcycle newbie.

I'll check the vaccuum hoses. I might just change them all, including the fuel hoses, because the bike is 10 years old and it doesn't look like they've ever been changed. When i took the tank off, the hose ends seemed a little brittle where the clamps were.

Slowly but surely, I'll get this bike running great!

To answer your question, yes, the bike is stock and I intend on keeping it that way.
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Old 07-16-2009, 05:00 PM   #17
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Originally Posted by Jere
Thanks all, especially Easy. You've been very patient with a motorcycle newbie.

I'll check the vaccuum hoses. I might just change them all, including the fuel hoses, because the bike is 10 years old and it doesn't look like they've ever been changed. When i took the tank off, the hose ends seemed a little brittle where the clamps were.

Slowly but surely, I'll get this bike running great!

To answer your question, yes, the bike is stock and I intend on keeping it that way.

Changing the hoses will be good experience and an added safety benefit for peace of mind. You also might want to add an inline fuel filter from the tank to the carb. It will probably stop smaller particles than the intank fuel filter. Cheap and easy insurance. Sounds like you are getting a handle on the bike's running issues. :rawk: :rawk:
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Old 07-17-2009, 09:53 PM   #18
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Yep, things are coming together. It's been both frustrating but also rewarding. I'm starting to enjoy it.
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Old 07-19-2009, 11:13 PM   #19
Easy Rider
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

Originally Posted by Jere
Thanks all, especially Easy. You've been very patient with a motorcycle newbie.
Glad I can help......and glad things are working out. Keep us posted!
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Old 07-20-2009, 01:01 PM   #20
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Re: Black plug, black smoke

He're's the latest update:
Ran some carb cleaner through the gas tank and it's running fairly decent but it's still backfiring on occasion (only when shutting it off though.) I make sure it returns to idle before shutting it off.

I've ordered the valve adjuster wrench and the feeler gauges from the dealership. I've been busy and haven't had time to play with it, but I think I'm going to take the carb off and clean it properly then try the valve adjustment. I'll report back when that's done (won't be for awhile.)
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