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Old 05-15-2009, 09:13 PM   #31
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Well done. You were looking for yourself and for her because she was too busy multitasking. As many riders will say "Ride like you are invisible". If don't already do it, use your hi-beam during the day because the GZ is a pretty small visual target to home in on. A single headlight gives other drivers a poor depth perception but at least they might notice you.
My wife has commuted for about two years on a Vino 125 through some busy streets in downtown Oakland and Berkeley. Some people, what ever they're on, feel like they have to go around her because she is on a 'little' scooter regardless of speed. She also makes a smaller target than the GZ, and so people are constantly not seeing her. What I've picked up from her experience is that basically, watch everyone pulling out, changing lanes and generally asserting themselves in her comfort zone and hit the horn if they look like they're thinking about doing something stupid. There are some real dill holes out there who get a wounded pride at being beeped at by a small woman on a scooter, but that's what lane splitting and the CVT transmission are for (taking off from stoplights).

One of these days I'm going to replace the stock horn with one that has a little bit more bite.

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Old 05-15-2009, 10:05 PM   #32
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by spuriousgrowth
the CVT transmission are for (taking off from stoplights).
Them little suckers are FAST.......0-20 or so !! :biggrin:
I got smoked by a girl on one while going through Nashville on my GZ trip last summer......TWICE.
I thought the first time was just a fluke. :shocked:
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Old 05-16-2009, 04:43 AM   #33
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
use your hi-beam during the day
Sorry, I just can't agree with you on that point! Everytime I've come across someone riding/driving on high beam, I've had to turn my head away so they don't blind me. All this means is that I am then not watching what they're doing. It's also the same when someone comes up behind me with high beam. It shines straight in my mirrors & makes it uncomfortable for me to drive. All high beam does for me is piss me off. If the idiots can't see low beam, they sure as hell can't see high beam either. :??: O_o
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Old 05-16-2009, 05:11 AM   #34
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by alantf
All this means is that I am then not watching what they're doing.
That's not all it means. It also means YOU SAW THEM and acknowledged their presence, which is the whole point.

The high beam is much more visible than the low in every circumstance.

All bikes should use it ALL the time.
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Old 05-16-2009, 05:42 AM   #35
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by patrick_777

All bikes should use it ALL the time.
Still don't agree with you. O.k., I've seen them, but then when I have to turn away because they're blinding me, that's when I'm not watching what they're doing!

Also, if it pisses me off, & I ride bikes, What's it going to do to the car drivers? You'll probably say that it doesn't matter, because they've seen you, but I reckon that a pissed off driver (& there are plenty of pissed off rednecks on your roads) is more likely to do something stupid- "gee officer, that idiot on the motorcycle blinded me, so I just couldn't avoid hitting him"- Like I already said, if they cant see low beam then they're not likely to see high beam & recognize it as anything more than "some sort of bright light in the middle of the road". I think that it is more a thing about them being so empty headed as to just not register ANYTHING around them, as to a brighter light making them realise that there are ANY other vehicles on the road.
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Old 05-16-2009, 05:50 AM   #36
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

I've just thought about something else regarding high beam - I don't know what the laws are in America (or over here in Spain either!) but in England there are pretty strict laws as to when you can use high beam, fog lights etc. (including rear fog lights) so as not to blind people or cause a nuisance. Seems like the law makers must be on pretty much the same wavelength as me :roll:
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Old 05-16-2009, 09:37 AM   #37
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by patrick_777
All bikes should use it ALL the time.
This might be a first.......let's see if I can't arbitrate this a bit:

High beam is slightly more visible on a day with bright sunlight (or mostly bright) and, with your eyes already conditioned for the bright light, there should be no reason for it to "blind you".
Under circumstances of LOW light, including times when headlights are required by law, high beams are not a good idea, partly because of what Alan said and also because it would be illegal.
(Guess he said that too!)

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Old 05-16-2009, 10:36 AM   #38
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by alantf
I've just thought about something else regarding high beam - I don't know what the laws are in America (or over here in Spain either!) but in England there are pretty strict laws as to when you can use high beam, fog lights etc. (including rear fog lights) so as not to blind people or cause a nuisance. Seems like the law makers must be on pretty much the same wavelength as me :roll:
Rear fogs are one of those things that should be on cars here in the states, I'll never understand our DOT. My SAAB has one, of course it was delivered without the bulb in place to keep the DOT happy. I use it whenever it's raining, foggy or we're having brush fires and the smoke starts up, makes a big difference in making my car visibile to cars coming up from behind. I think, only Volvo, SAAB and Jaguars have them even in place on US models. Mini actually removes them and puts a blanking plate in place. :roll:
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Old 05-16-2009, 11:25 AM   #39
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

Originally Posted by adrianinflorida
Rear fogs are one of those things that should be on cars here in the states, I'll never understand our DOT.
I've got no problem with long as the bulbs or lenses are amber and not white.

There is a very good reason for not allowing white lights on the back of a moving vehicle.
Imagine driving in a dense fog and seeing white lights suddenly appear in YOUR lane in front of you. Are those rear fogs or oncoming headlights ??? Quick, you only have a split second to decide! :skull:
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Old 05-16-2009, 12:10 PM   #40
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Re: Shoulda kept the GZ.....sigh

As my memory tells me, Volvo used a red fog light on the rear eons ago. A rear white fog light would be asking for trouble.
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