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Old 02-15-2009, 05:18 PM   #1
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how much freeway driving?

So all this talk about long rides got me to thinking about taking the gz250 up to my in-laws cottage to open it for the season when I have a break this spring. It's about 300 miles from where I live and usually takes me about 3 1/2 to 4 hours by car (avg. speed 75). I google mapped taking only non-highway roads and it said that the trip would take over 7 hours.

Now I'm not very comfortable on this bike on freeways to begin with; some of that's my novice status and some is that I just don't think that's what this bike does, or was designed to do. I'd rather take back roads anyway by motorcycle, but to cut down a little on the time, maybe I could mix in some freeway driving. So here are my questions: How much freeway driving at one stretch is acceptable for this bike, both in terms of how much damage it might be doing, but also in terms of how much I can take? Does anybody else use this strategy, or should I just take all back roads and forget about the time?


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Old 02-15-2009, 06:39 PM   #2
music man
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Re: how much freeway driving?

I don't necessarily think that freeway driving in short distances is harmful to the GZ (it probably does cause a little extra wear but nominal at best), but I wouldn't suggest taking 500 mile freeway trips on it or anything.
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Old 02-15-2009, 07:42 PM   #3
Easy Rider
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Re: how much freeway driving?

Originally Posted by kmkindred
Now I'm not very comfortable on this bike on freeways to begin with; some of that's my novice status and some is that I just don't think that's what this bike does, or was designed to do.
It depends..........
On what the prevailing speed IS on the freeway in question. The GZ will "cruise" at 65 all day long; harder on the rider than the bike. So, if you would feel safe doing 65 on the road in question, go for it. Because of the boredom factor, I think a mix would be fine.
Doing it without Interstates would be better but that is a HUGE difference in time. :??:
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Old 02-15-2009, 09:03 PM   #4
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Re: how much freeway driving?


I am a former freeway wuss on the GZ. I can do it okay now, but I don't really like it. There is a huge difference if the highway is smooth asphalt or Effed up concrete. (Out here it's mostly effed up concrete and very exhausting.)

If you have smooth asphalt, and low wind, the GZ should be able to do 65 without busting a nut. There are some nice freeway stretches around here that I actually enjoy riding on, but they are few and far between.

The typical speed of the traffic is another factor. If everyone is going 85 and switching lanes like Speed Racer, you WILL NOT LIKE IT.

My recommendation is to plan a shorter test ride that starts and ends at your house. (say 100 miles.) Over time, you will get more and more confident, but I really clenched up for those first few months. I suspect you might survive the ride, but you won't enjoy it very much.

Finally, it's extremely NOT recommended for various safety reasons, but in tense situations on high speed slabs, I have found a great deal of comfort in drafting behind (75 feet or more) slow moving semi's. I know I will get throttled for suggesting this, but, it cuts down the wind, you can go faster, you are protected from weavers, over all, it's a lot easier on your nerves. Just assume they CANNOT see you back there.

Wear earplugs. A full face shield and/or windshield will help too. And some heavy gloves. And sun glasses,
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Old 02-15-2009, 09:18 PM   #5
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Re: how much freeway driving?

One more thing, there are "backroads" and there is city driving. If your backroads run through the middle of every town and subdivision, you are going to loathe the trip. it will only be 3 hours of driving, punctuated by 4 hours of upshift 1-2-3-4-5, downshift 5-4-3-2-1, brake, clutch, feet down, repeat. All while avoiding someone making a left into your front fender.
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Old 02-15-2009, 09:22 PM   #6
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Re: how much freeway driving?

And finally.

Be very careful about trusting Google. Google considers a migrant bison herd's cattle trail to water to be 100% navigable. Google refuses to admit "Ya cain't get theah from heah." I speak from numerous ill-fated adventures, including a trip through a stream in my Suburban and, more recently, an 18-mile double back from, literally, a mountain sheep trail.

If there are any iffy roads, check them out with the satellite view, or better yet, the "Street view" to make sure they aren't ancient indian trails.
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Old 02-16-2009, 04:50 PM   #7
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Re: how much freeway driving?

I'm a big older guy in Georgia and I travel on the interstates very often on my GZ250. This does not hurt the bike in the least, in fact it is probably good for it.
I am riding in the far right lane and even the trucks don't bother me a bit. I think five hours on the interstate would be safer than seven hours on the country highways. Interstates are always safer than other roads. I take a lot of breaks. Also I stop and even on the interstate I take walks in the woods to water a tree.
I wear a full face helmet, sunglasses, and ear plugs. And, when traveling, I velcro my leather jacket sleeves closed tightly so no wind gets in. I wear four or five layers on top and at least two on the bottom. When cool I wear two sets of long underwear under my jeans. Then I use the laces in my boots to tie around the bottom of my jeans. Any incoming wind at all will hurt you on a day less than 60 degrees. Warmer is better.
I usually ride about 70mph, sometimes faster if the road is smooth, but I am not really in a hurry. To me being in a hurry is not what my motorcycling is all about. Yesterday I rode 120 miles on country roads. No interstates were available for that trip. It was 55 degrees, too cool to really enjoy the ride. On a long trip the coolness really cuts into you.
You've had some good advice here. Perhaps the best is to try a shorter trip somewhere. Ride 50 miles on any interstate, have lunch, ride back. That will tell you a lot.

Chris, retired near Atlanta
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Old 02-16-2009, 11:38 PM   #8
Easy Rider
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Re: how much freeway driving?

Originally Posted by Chris
I think five hours on the interstate would be safer than seven hours on the country highways. Interstates are always safer than other roads.
Your opinion. Mine is a little different.

Last year I rode from Illinois to Atlanta and back. 600 miles each way; 1,200 miles total.
Had I done it on the Interstates and observed the speed limit, I would have been "exposed" to at least 100 cars and trucks an hour (probably a lot more), most of which would have been passing me. That is not counting the traffic going the other way.

On US 41, except for the cities and small towns, it was normal to only see about 10 cars an hour and I was travelling 10 mph slower.

While it is true that this is only one experience on one road, I can't agree that doing 55 in very light traffic is somehow more dangerous that doing 65-70 on an Interstate, surrounded by traffic.
For me at least, it just don't compute.
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Old 02-17-2009, 10:15 AM   #9
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Re: how much freeway driving?

You drove 1200 miles on Hwy 41? When an interstate was available? You probably added a day of time and expense each way to your trip.
Interstates are always safer than other highways because all the traffic is going the same direction at roughly the same speed. If you are in the far right land no one will bother you. No one wants to hit you, wouldn't make any sense.
I live near Hwy 41 in Georgia and it is pretty busy even out in the country. Six cars an hour???? Maybe at 3am, but during the day a car a minute is much more like it.
To go slower through towns on a dangerous highway makes no sense when an interstate is available.
Each to his own - have at it. I'll be there waiting on you.

Chris, Atlanta
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Old 02-17-2009, 10:39 AM   #10
Easy Rider
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Re: how much freeway driving?

Originally Posted by Chris
You drove 1200 miles on Hwy 41? When an interstate was available? You probably added a day of time and expense each way to your trip.
Yes, as a matter of fact I added 2 extra days......each way.
I figure I increased the "grin factor" by about 10X.

Next time I plan to cut it down to 2 days each way.
300 mile, 6 hour days are easily do-able.
If I stay in a cheap motel, the gas savings almost pays for the room.
Cost is not high on the list of considerations.
If I need/want to get there in a hurry, I wouldn't be on the GZ in the first place.

As for the traffic load on 41, southern Indiana, Kentucky, Tennesee and RURAL Georgia is quite a different story. There is always a major interstate only a few miles away and that sucks almost all of the traffic away. Big trucks are non-existant.

THEN you get to the populated part of the I-75 corridor in Georgia.....where you have a choice between a 2/4 lane local road with fairly heavy traffic OR 75 with bumper-to-bumper traffic about 16 hours a day, moving around 80 mph. I'll take a few stop lights.

It is hard to imagine if you haven't done it, I guess.
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