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Old 12-11-2008, 07:50 PM   #41
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Camping gear is a lot like exercise equipment. Lots of it is bought, used once, and then relegated to the attic, basement or the garage for the mandatory three year aging period before it is sold on eBay or at the yard sale for pennies on the dollar. Best to cruise the affluent neighborhoods where they could afford to splurge on the good stuff.

You can get a pretty slick looking tent for $60 or $70 bucks, but, the seams may leak, the D-rings may bend or break, the zippers may jam, the stakes may bend, the floors may tear, the stake loops might come off (taking a piece of the tent fabric with it), the vents rot, the snaps rust, the walls may leak or weep, and the poles may snap. Or the whole thing might blow away just after you step out to take a leak.

I don't know what military surplus is like these days, but back when I was in the Boy Scouts we were donated surplus Army tents. These things were like canvas bomb shelters. They weighed tons, were a bitch to set up, stank of mildew and leaked like sieves. A wonder we prevailed in WWII. Good old American crap if you ask me. But on a nice summer evening, you could set up a table inside with a mini bar, hang a bare bulb and play cards, smoke (mostly) cigarettes and get generally polluted on various bottles of booze pilfered from our parent's liquor cabinets. (Do people even have "liquor cabinets" anymore?) Good times.
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:56 PM   #42
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Originally Posted by deadman13
What I was thinking for a tent was something by siera designs, I think the Sirius 2 or the Flash Light

both are resonable and I've heard great things, plus I was able to get into both at a local shop. Ive thought about a Wal-mart type deal, but I think that for me, Ill have to use up 3 due to lack of quality so the price of buying a good one is justified.
Can't go wrong with Sierra Designs. Between those two, I'd take the Sirius 2. It's got more room. I have a Flashlight and it's a great little tent, but roomier is better if you're going to spend any time at all in there besides sleeping. The difference in size and weight (S2 = 23"x6" 4lbs, 7oz - Flashlight = 19"x5" 4lbs, 7oz) when packed is negligible on your bike.
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Old 12-11-2008, 07:56 PM   #43
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Dry bags.

Get some. They are a bitch to get things in and out of but they will keep things dry. I have ridden through driving rain with the $10 ones from Walmart and never got a drop of water in them. They also are very durable.

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Old 12-11-2008, 10:23 PM   #44
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Guys, I know this may sound really cheesy, but Ive always thought there were signs in my life and have ignored some, followed others and now have learned to listen when one is yelling in my face. The day I got canned, I saw this video. Ive heard the song before, but never saw the video, and I knew then that I had to go. I know not everything is "right" but I feel like if I dont at least try, Ill miss out on a chance for something great in MY life, and maybe I can inspire others to go out and make their dreams a reality too.

All you have to do is Believe.

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Old 12-11-2008, 11:25 PM   #45
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Years ago I worked with a young fellow who had a dream. He spent 3 years travelling and working across Europe, Asia and Africa. He had a fantastic time filled with a few real scary experiences but always smiles when he thinks about his dream and the courage it took to leave home to see the world. I think he became a better man for it.
By all means do the 48 states and the beautiful country you call home.

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Old 12-12-2008, 12:28 AM   #46
mr. softie
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Here is my 2 cents worth.

I spent over 8 years of my life "on the road". From 1970 to 1974, and again from 1977 to 1980. Not all of it on a motorcycle. Some hitch hiking, some in various vans or cars, some in a converted school bus (ok I admit I was a hippie!). Some of my best times were on motorcycles. My map to the left shows states I rode motorcycles in and/or to. I traveled to all the states except Maine, and through Europe. Lots of times I camped, sometimes I found new friends who put me up for a few nights. I used a sleeping bag and a poncho for shelter. No tent. I'd sleep under bridges or find a shed or overhang etc. I carried good drinking water and something to heat it with. Cold and wet is easier if you have a your favorite warm drink. Lots of times I would stop in a town and meet people and get a job and work for a week or a month, sometimes staying on the job site ( I was a carpenter of sorts), or I'd camp or rent a cheap trailer or cabin at a park. I worked a wide variety of jobs. When I got the urge to go I'd be on my way, you make fast friends on the road. Lots of people will put you up and feed you because they like to help out and they like to listen to all your great stories. Then there are the women you will meet... I could go on but...

It wasn't all good times by any stretch of the imagination. I got arrested a few too many times, I was shot at a few times. I had people threaten me and was in quite a few fights, a few of which I won (too few). I never carried a gun. More of the bad happened the first few years. I learned how to act as time went on. A good heart is invaluable. More often than not, being friendly and not being afraid no matter what will win people over. Other times you have to be able to duck fast and run like hell. Try to only spend time with kind people. Be very very careful with people. Don't blab about your situation till you get to know someone well enough to tell if they are a psycho or not. Be upfront and forthcoming with authorities, but avoid arousing their curiosity. Don't mess with peoples' wives or girlfriends. Keep any valuables you may have with you very well hidden, or better yet don't carry them at all. Stay very alert and be ready to move quickly if need be. Travel as light as possible. Don't get drunk with people you don't know well. Any way enough preaching. I wish you the best of luck. A lot of us are going to be joining you on the road as this economic "system" implodes. We are going to have to care for each other, which is a good thing IMO.

I think you are wise to make this move. The lessons you learn will be invaluable. The memories will last a lifetime. Follow your heart. The length of ones life is not as important as is the bravery with which it is lived.
The real money in a gold rush is in supplying liqueur and women to the miners....
May the wind always be at your back and the sun overhead as you make your way down the ever winding, smoothly paved, traffic free road!
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Old 12-12-2008, 01:21 AM   #47
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Everything that you guys have said so far has really encouraged me a lot. Ive had a lot of local response from craigslist with people trying to help, its extremely satisfying to be finding the people I hoped to see on the road come out of the wood work this early. Maybe they just want me out. Now if only I could talk Dupo out of some underwear or something I could advertise for the site! Lol
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Old 12-12-2008, 03:44 AM   #48
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Wow, Mr. Softie. I had some similar experiences, but my days as a free spirit were sadly too few. What's great about those times is you tend to remember the excitement, the freedom and, possibly, the romance, but you forget the bad stuff, or at least some of it. (Getting arrested, jailed, tear-gassed [or all three] does tend to stay with you.) I mostly remember being a lot more in the moment and running with a more "interesting" crowd. Course, many of them were spectacularly stupid and more than a few were dangerous/violent. You learn a lot about people quickly, good and bad.

Your advice was rock solid. In those days, I never had much to lose, but even then, I always tried to look like I was not worth bothering with (I still have my green canvas Army Surplus jacket, my uniform/tent/luggage/home from those days, hanging in my closet.) I didn't shave, had a caveman beard, had the "homeless" look down (although we didn't use that term back then.) Unfortunately, as I'm sure you can attest, youth, poverty, drinking and general aimlessness attracts a lopsided amount of attention from the authorities, some of which are sympathetic and some of which are not.

Back then I could afford neither a motorcycle nor the gas to feed it (plus I had a suspended license), so my travels were mostly limited to the northeast. Eventually, I bought a used Peugeot moped to expand my range. Took me thirty years to get around to an "upgrade." Thanks for reminding me of my salad days.
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:13 PM   #49
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Originally Posted by deadman13
Well everyone, the time has come. I always said that if I lost my job for whatever reason that I'd go on my trip around the US, and today it happened. A customer was joking with me in front of my boss, and he got offended and I got canned.

So, heres the plan. I'm going to take my savings and buy a few things i need, and come my birthday (January 20) if nothing has panned out here, I'll finish the prep and take off soon after. I planned this for a while now, and now think its time for some trial and error.

I'm going to keep everyone up to date as far as the trip goes, and I'd like to ask you all for help with whatever you can. (If you have anything you could donate, like a gps, saddlebags etc; thatd be extremely appreciated) When I leave, I'll have very little money to spare, keeping some for the "oh S*#t" fund of a bus ticket/hotel room/food. But I'm going to be relying mostly on the kindness of strangers. I have a theory that society is at its core a nice group of people, and while I'm going to be able to help myself as much as I can, things like showers, hot meals, and help with repairs are going to be infrequent.

And my reasoning is so that I can find a place I feel like is home. I have a freewebs page from when I first planned it, so please check it out and see more details about what I'm doing.
I'd like to meet anyone off here, as this has been the best forum I've come across in a few years.

Thank you all for all your help so far.
Hi! Ara & Spirit here... we have that tent up a few posts. I really wanted something enclosed where I can cook, ecept in bear country of course... Much to say of course as we have been on the road for 24 months now. Base camping this winter near Big Bend, Texas. Welcome anytime... much land here.
The photo is of my other tent we do not use anymore. It is a Sierra Design, was the tent of the year and the fly is "Mountain Hardware" . They complament each other. All in great shape. If you have not purchased a tent yet let me know. I'll help you out, many have helped us.
Be well... Ara & Spirit Our Journey under the stars...

PS: check the archives of the Blog for more info or write...
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:50 PM   #50
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Re: 48 States in search of Home

Holy hell, I've been reading about you and your trip! Your website is one of the things that has helped keep me on track. If it wasn't for promises I made I would have already B-lined it down there to the circle!

Wow. Its amazing to talk to you. No, I haven't been able to get a tent as of yet, that was a big concern of mine. Id like to talk to you more, out of the public eye if possible. Thanks so much for getting ahold of me!
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