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Old 11-26-2008, 11:26 AM   #1
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Speed Record for the GZ250

Yeah, I thought that would get your attention. This won't last long, but...

Yesterday was a windy day and I opened her up on a straight highway. She registered 76.9mph - see the picture. Now anyone could beat this simply by getting in your car and going faster, then taking a picture of your GPS near the bike. Go ahead, but this one is for real.
This, of course, will be broken soon, maybe by me. Just thought you would like to see it. Taken at twilight after the 70 mile ride in 45 degrees.

Chris, retired guy in Atlanta

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Old 11-26-2008, 01:04 PM   #2
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Wind behind you? I've had mine over 70 on a straight away, maybe (probably) not 76 (it's kind of hard to tell *what* the speed is between the major milestones) but I think the wind was at my back. I have no GPS. I can't get to that speed excpet under ideal circumstances.

You can also beat this speed going downhill.
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Old 11-26-2008, 07:09 PM   #3
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Hi, Alan,
No Substainal tailwind. I've had it faster before and will soon run another test. It think she'll do 80, we'll see.
I hope no one takes this as a challange to go out and get hurt.

You don't have a GPS?? How do you find your way around? Once you get one you can't live without it. Mine mounts on my gas tank with velcro. You cannot read it while riding, but it sure is handy on back roads that you don't know.

Chris, retired in Atlanta

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Old 11-26-2008, 07:18 PM   #4
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Hey, guys,
I want to update my profile and put a nice picture on me and the bike. But I cannot figure out how to do it????

By the way, who owns this board?? Suzuki???

Chris in Atlanta
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Old 11-26-2008, 08:30 PM   #5
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Chris, you can upload a picture under your profile, but you have to have the proper dimensions. Click on the User Control Panel up at the top of the browser screen. I trimmed mine with photoshop.

Dupo owns the board. Patrick and Badbob help run it.

Re GPS: I've always been fond of maps, and I regularly use Google Maps (used to use MapQuest) but for some reason, I've never been motivated to get a GPS. I am actually pretty good at self navigation, something I inherited from my father. Once you know north, south, east, west, the basic topography and some inkling of the regions major arteries, the GPS is in your head. I've screwed up a few times, but in most cases, I can do pretty good navigating by hunch. I've also been hosed by Google and Mapquest a few times - they don't seem to be able to tell the difference between a hiking trail and a pved thoroughfare.
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Old 11-26-2008, 09:34 PM   #6
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
You don't have a GPS?? How do you find your way around? Once you get one you can't live without it. Mine mounts on my gas tank with velcro. You cannot read it while riding, but it sure is handy on back roads that you don't know.
I can understand that, coming from a guy who lives in Atlanta.

In my 62 years, I've only been "lost" in two places in my whole life; once in Washington, D.C. and MORE than once in Atlanta. No problem getting there or getting out but if you get off the beaten path, forget it. Last time I actually had to stop and buy a map to find my way back to Decatur. Next time the GPS goes with me ...... in my jacket pocket.

P.S. My GZ will do over 80. Found that out on a LONG down-the-mountain stretch of road on my last trip back from Atlanta. Surprisingly stable but I have a 16T front sprocket (for less revs) and a windshield; I would NEVER do that without a properly angled shield to help keep it on the road. :biggrin:

And before anybody asks, yes, the 16T DOES make climbing the mountains a tad bit more problematic but you just have to downshift to 4th a little sooner.

I only stayed at 80 for about 10 seconds as there was a curve at the bottom of the hill !!! :skull:
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:00 AM   #7
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

I never get lost. People are always kind enough to tell me where to go. I tend to side with road maps and the odd google map if there is any doubt about the destination. Living on the prairies I was never lost in 60 years. Living in mountains and such with a larger city to ride into(Vancouver,BC) I can get lost quite easily. My brain is geared to operate in straight lines.
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Old 11-27-2008, 04:42 AM   #8
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Re the GPS - are the things smart about traffic and lights and such? ABPS (Alan's Brain Positioning SystemTM) will often pick a route that appears to be longer or slower, but, in fact, takes into account the stuff Alan likes to ride and avoids construction, lights, left turns, speed traps, etc. I generally don't get lost, but I do try to avoid thinking about directions too much when I am riding. It's one more distraction and, the fewer the better when you are on two wheels. Even when I use Google maps, I try to memorize as much of it as I can before I set out. I enjoy the ride more when I'm just thinking about the road, the bike, the surroundings and being vigilant of the traffic.
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Old 11-27-2008, 11:04 AM   #9
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Re the GPS - are the things smart about traffic and lights and such?
NO, but then neither is ABPS in an area that you know nothing about !! :roll:

I get a big kick out of the people who "use" their GPS to go back and forth to work every day.......and then they complain because it doesn't pick the best route.

Just like I don't need a map for places that I know, I don't need the GPS either.
It can come in VERY handy, though, in places that I don't know, especially if they are not layed out on a N-S/E-W grid.
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:12 PM   #10
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Hi, guys,
Still have not figured out how to add a picture to my profile. Not important.
Someone mentioned a record speed for a 250cc twin of 103mph. Of course the GZ is a single. I'm surprised the twin record is not higher. With proper gearing and a real streamliner shell I would expect far higher.
On GPS's: they really come in handy, especially on motorcycle rides. They will tell you how far you've been, how to get where you are going, and (biggest) where you are. And many other things. I cannot imagine crusing without one these days. I keep mine velcroed to my gas tank. I cannot read it while riding, of course, but it sure is nice to stop and look at it.
I have a pocket sized Magellan. I love the size (boat, car, bike, hiking, etc.) but don't like the Magellan. All kinds of problems. Will get another brand in January. Look at the no-name brands for far less cost. Mine is a color screen which is terrific.

Chris, Atlanta
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