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Old 11-22-2008, 11:55 PM   #21
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Different strokes, guys. I understand the importance and value of maintenance. Just don't find it as entertaining as riding the thing. Maybe it'll grow on me.

My wife always has the 4 wheeled vehicles service at all the regular intervals. But she can't take the bike in, so I'm on my own.

I'm not so wealthy that I would consider a GZ disposable (especially if you recall what I paid for mine) but I have been known to spend a significant sum purely for convenience.
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Old 11-23-2008, 06:45 PM   #22
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

I don't know if I can speak for everyone but I personally don't find maintenance on my bike as fun as riding it either, but it is a necessary evil if you want to be able to ride fairly worry free, not only that I have spent a good portion of the last 5 years changing oil and filters and other maintenance stuff, so I get My fill of the entertainment of "maintenance".

On top of that, it gives me an insight into what happens to an engine if you don't keep it "maintained", by seeing them all the time. I also (unlike alan) plan on keeping the GZ till it falls apart, thats the only reason I don't have a bigger bike right now, is that I am too poor to get another bike without selling/trading in the GZ, and I don't want to get rid of it, so until I figure out how to afford both, I am stuck with just the little ole' GZ.
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Old 11-23-2008, 08:41 PM   #23
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Don't believe I ever said I would get rid of my GZ. For one thing, I usually don't sell stuff privately. I don't like having strangers come to my house, looking at my stuff, and bothering me. Plus, I like the GZ. If I get something bigger, it'll be in addition to, not instead of.

I also think there is some confusion between being aware of the importance of maintenance and the value of doing it oneself. I also understand that money does not grow on trees and, when you don't have an excessive amount of it coming in, it makes a lot of sense to reduce the flow of it going out, by working for yourself.

In addition to entertaining myself with the motorcycle, I play the guitar and the piano. You (music man) are probably well aware of this, but EVERY time you pick up the guitar, you have to tune it. That, of course, I do myself. You also have to replace the strings regularly. Many times I do NOT do that myself. Do I know how? Yes. I worked in a guitar store for three years and have probably restrung a guitar at least 200 times. Do I like doing it? Nope. If someone else will do it for ten bucks, works for me.

The piano needs to be tuned at least twice a year, too. Do I do that myself? No. I kind of know how, but I'm not good at it and it would take me a month to do a bad job. Might even break something. And I don't have the best tools.

Anyway, the DIY and the ATTGATT debate will probably rage on forever. I don't begrudge anyone their right and privilege to change their own oil, nor do I think they are necessarily stupid, poor or misguided. Just don't like to do it myself. Only reason I have looked into doing it myself is I think dealing with the dealer, in this case, would annoy me even more.
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:19 PM   #24
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

You know, I'm suddenly reminded of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:31 PM   #25
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

I was just basing my comment about you wanting to get rid of the GZ on what Easy had said :oops: , And I Don't PLAY Music, I just have ALOT OF IT, so I don't really know much about guitars, I used to have one and have restrung and tuned one, so i guess I do know a little about it.

And I also thought we were talking about your lack of doing Maintenance on your bike at all, not you doing it yourself, so there again :oops:. And certain types of people just don't like doing Maintenance type stuff themselves no matter how much or little money they have. Me, I would probably change My own oil on my motorcycle if I was a billionare (of course if I were a billionare I probably would be riding a lot nicer motorcycle) but thats just me, But I also change the oil in my cars too, To each his own and all that jazz.
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Old 11-23-2008, 09:48 PM   #26
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Well, I AM a billionaire, and the GZ suits me fine.

(Not really. The billionaire part, anyway.)
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Old 11-23-2008, 10:32 PM   #27
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Originally Posted by primal
You know, I'm suddenly reminded of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
Ah, yes, things are coming into focus better now......... :rawk:
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Old 11-23-2008, 10:41 PM   #28
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Ah, yes, things are coming into focus better now......... :rawk:
Is it bad that I never finished the book? It was nice when he was actually talking about the trip, but when he started getting heavy into philosophy (as they were climbing up the mountain) it became too much of a chore to read.
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Old 11-23-2008, 11:07 PM   #29
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

I was assigned that book in high school. Not sure if I remember it precisely, but if I recall correctly, it didn't have much to do with either Zen or motorcycles and more to do with the author's self enamoration. (Not that I would know anything about that.) :jo:

Don't think I ever finished it either. I'm pretty sure my teacher didn't read it either. It was one of those books that everybody fell all over themselves as "amazing", when, in fact, few had actually read it.

Having completed a number of modest personal "quests" myself, I've found that it's rare anyone else is as interested in one's exploits or related "deep thoughts" as the adventurer himself.
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Old 11-23-2008, 11:10 PM   #30
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Re: Oil question... am I crazy?

Yea, it's really not an amazing book. But the first half or so makes for pretty entertaining toilet reading.
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