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Old 10-14-2008, 06:07 PM   #1
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rear brake cable

My rear brake cable doesn't spring back like it's supposed to. When I release the brake pedal, the pedal springs back into position, but the cable only moves a small amount. I unhooked the cable from the lever at the back (on the brake drum) and the lever springs back and forth fine by itself, so I don't think that's the cause. The little rubber boot on the pedal end of the cable appears to be torn. Could this have anything to do with it? I'm hoping there's an easy fix.
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Old 10-14-2008, 06:47 PM   #2
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Re: rear brake cable

You probably just need to oil the cable. can you manipulate the brake lever easily with the cable off also? It'd probably be best just to lube it all up good anyway.
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:15 PM   #3
Easy Rider
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Re: rear brake cable

Originally Posted by i2kdave
My rear brake cable doesn't spring back like it's supposed to. When I release the brake pedal, the pedal springs back into position, but the cable only moves a small amount.
Just EXACTLY what leads you to believe that it is not working like "it's supposed to" ? :??:

Relative to pedal movement, that cable DOES move just a tiny bit.....and when everything is "released", the cable may feel like it has a bit of slack in it 'cause that rear lever doesn't provide much pull to keep it taught.

You could have this impression because your brake adjustments are WAY out of whack.

With everything put back together:
How much travel is there on the rear lever before the brake engages?
How much travel on the pedal before engagement?

There would have to be a LOT of crud inside the cable for it to be sticking, I think, as it appears to have a lot of slop between the cable and the sheath.

That little tear in the boot likely isn't really a problem AND I bet you can't get a new one without getting the whole brake cable.
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:57 PM   #4
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Re: rear brake cable

You probably just need to oil the cable. can you manipulate the brake lever easily with the cable off also? It'd probably be best just to lube it all up good anyway.
yeah, the brake lever moves just fine
how do you go about lubing the cable?

Just EXACTLY what leads you to believe that it is not working like "it's supposed to" ? :??:
The cable is preventing the rear lever from springing back all the way, so it's like the brakes are really close to being engaged at all times. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be, but it just seems like the brakes should "open up" more than they do when the pedal is released. I have been wrong before, though. :biggrin:

I'll have to get back with you tomorrow about the travel distances.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:24 PM   #5
Easy Rider
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Re: rear brake cable

Originally Posted by i2kdave
The cable is preventing the rear lever from springing back all the way, so it's like the brakes are really close to being engaged at all times. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be, but it just seems like the brakes should "open up" more than they do when the pedal is released.
I suspected as much. What you described is exactly the way it is supposed to work.

The point where the cable attaches to the lever is an adjustment point; the funky nut on the threaded bolt. If you loosen that nut enough, the lever will spring back all the way......or close to it, and the back brake will not work at all because the "throw" on the pedal will be so long that your foot can't move it far enough.

There is a little more to it but the basic method to adjust the rear brake is to tighten that nut until the brake just starts to drag and then back the nut off 1/2 or 1 turn until it just barely releases. That needs to be done with the rear wheel OFF the ground so it turns freely. The rear brake is pretty weak to start with; adjusting it too loose makes that even worse.
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Old 10-17-2008, 05:16 AM   #6
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Re: rear brake cable

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
There is a little more to it but the basic method to adjust the rear brake is to tighten that nut until the brake just starts to drag and then back the nut off 1/2 or 1 turn until it just barely releases. That needs to be done with the rear wheel OFF the ground so it turns freely. The rear brake is pretty weak to start with; adjusting it too loose makes that even worse.
This exactly how I adjust mine. I want the brake to be applied as soon as I put any pressure on the pedal not half a second later. A long throw on the rear brake pedal makes it difficult for me to feather the brake.

When adjusting your rear brake be sure to check the brake light. It's adjustable too.
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