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Old 09-09-2008, 01:49 PM   #11
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Thanks for the tips everyone. I'm going to pull the battery since we do sustain some very cold temps (though not -40 degrees, we experience a consistent -teens). I am due for an oil change, and will be doing that as well. Probably will leave the chain for spring since I am pretty busy right now. I will double check the petcock even though I have checked it already.

I hadn't thought of the tire air pressure, so thanks for that one. Sad but try, Idaho is too cold to ride all year, but we don't have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes on a regular basis, or 100+ degree weather for long periods of time. All in all, it is a beautiful place to be!
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Old 09-09-2008, 04:58 PM   #12
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Haven't we discussed this before??
So he can't let the bike run for 10 minutes? If he's storing the battery anyway, a small net discharge won't be a big deal, since it will also be on a smart charger when not the bike, right?

He doesn't have to, but I would.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:23 PM   #13
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
So he can't let the bike run for 10 minutes? If he's storing the battery anyway, .....
What? Tell me you are kidding.

You/he is going to remove the battery and THEN put it back in every few weeks so you can run the bike for 10 minutes and THEN take it out again ??? I hope not.

I think some wires got crossed. I don't THINK anybody is that stupid; I believe the proposal was either/or.....remove the battery OR start it every few weeks.
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Old 11-20-2008, 09:38 PM   #14
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Can you shut the fuel off on this bike?

I live in Toronto, Canada. My local garage told me to add fuel stabilizer (I did), then disconnect the fuel line (easy on the bikes that have an "off" on the petcock, not so easy on this one) and let the bike run until it stops, so that there is no fuel in the carburetor. I can't figure out how to stop the fuel flow, and the manual + online shop manual are no help, even under the topic of taking off the fuel tank. I assume this is a newbie problem that everyone knows about but me!
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Old 11-20-2008, 10:13 PM   #15
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by susan17
My local garage told me to add fuel stabilizer (I did), then disconnect the fuel line (easy on the bikes that have an "off" on the petcock, not so easy on this one) and let the bike run until it stops, so that there is no fuel in the carburetor.
You need to find a different garage.....seriously.

With the bike NOT running, the fuel is OFF with the petcock lever in any position EXCEPT PRIme.
(It operates automatically with engine vacume.)
You got some bad advice. Absolutely no need to go to all that trouble. Put Stabil in the gas and then run it for a few minutes until the engine gets warm; that gets the stabilizer INTO the carb. If you want to go one step farther, there is a drain nipple and screw on the bottom of the carb. You can drain the carb. by loosening that screw........but even that is really not necessary.

Please don't disconnect any hoses!
You would actually have to disconnect the VACUME line, not the fuel line.

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Old 11-22-2008, 02:39 AM   #16
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by Easy Rider
Originally Posted by susan17
My local garage told me to add fuel stabilizer (I did), then disconnect the fuel line (easy on the bikes that have an "off" on the petcock, not so easy on this one) and let the bike run until it stops, so that there is no fuel in the carburetor.
You need to find a different garage.....seriously.

With the bike NOT running, the fuel is OFF with the petcock lever in any position EXCEPT PRIme.
(It operates automatically with engine vacume.)
You got some bad advice. Absolutely no need to go to all that trouble. Put Stabil in the gas and then run it for a few minutes until the engine gets warm; that gets the stabilizer INTO the carb. If you want to go one step farther, there is a drain nipple and screw on the bottom of the carb. You can drain the carb. by loosening that screw........but even that is really not necessary.

Please don't disconnect any hoses!
You would actually have to disconnect the VACUME line, not the fuel line.

Oh, and.... WELCOME to our (not so) humble conference !! :cool:
I was just going to say that. Disconnect the vacumn line and the carb will run dry. Other than the above ideas here is one more. Once in a while just rotate the wheels a quarter turn so you will not develope a flat spot from prolonged parking. This may or may not be an old wive's tale but it only takes a minute or two.
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Old 11-22-2008, 10:25 AM   #17
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Once in a while just rotate the wheels a quarter turn so you will not develope a flat spot from prolonged parking. This may or may not be an old wive's tale but it only takes a minute or two.
If the tires are properly inflated, it is..........but it actually only takes about 5 seconds, so what the heck !! Certainly won't do any harm.......unless you drop the bike on you !! :cool:
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Old 11-26-2008, 04:38 PM   #18
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Re: Winterization Tips?

If you're not going to run it any over the winter (which, BTW, the only time I've ever heard of people doing this is to keep the battery charged... not necessary with a battery tender), then after you change the oil, remove the spark plug and put a small amount of oil down into the cylinder and turn the rear wheel by hand or roll it a few feet to spread the oil around in the cylinder. Do NOT fire it up, else you'll burn away all the oil.

Also, consider blocking up the bike so you don't have to worry about rotating the tires.
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Old 11-26-2008, 06:56 PM   #19
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Re: Winterization Tips?

Originally Posted by primal
remove the spark plug and put a small amount of oil down into the cylinder and turn the rear wheel by hand or roll it a few feet to spread the oil around in the cylinder. Do NOT fire it up, else you'll burn away all the oil.
If you really think that is necessary, it is much easier to thumb the starter for a second with the plug OUT than it is to turn it over by pushing. :cool:
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Old 11-27-2008, 01:46 PM   #20
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Re: Winterization Tips?

I was wondering about that, but every time I've read about it they've said to turn it over by hand rather than using the starter. Maybe that's a remnant from back when bikes had kickstarters?
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