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Old 07-08-2008, 01:59 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2006
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If you're comfortable, I say go for it. My best advise would be to just keep your cool, no matter what the situation. Anger or fear could impair your judgement and reflexes, not something you want while hurtling at 70mph on 2 wheels.
Some drivers will do things seemingly just to rile you up (usually the people in SUVs that are wasting 3-5 times as much gas as you), indifference is the best revenge, keep your focus on what's important: the road and obstacles. Gesturing, glaring, or honking 'after the fact', will only give them the upper hand.

Also, remember that there's an escape out of almost any dangerous situation if you have just one thing: anticipation. So keep your head on a swivel and ride safe.

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Old 07-08-2008, 03:17 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by bigfour
If you're comfortable, I say go for it. My best advise would be to just keep your cool, no matter what the situation. Anger or fear could impair your judgement and reflexes, not something you want while hurtling at 70mph on 2 wheels.
Some drivers will do things seemingly just to rile you up (usually the people in SUVs that are wasting 3-5 times as much gas as you), indifference is the best revenge, keep your focus on what's important: the road and obstacles. Gesturing, glaring, or honking 'after the fact', will only give them the upper hand.

Also, remember that there's an escape out of almost any dangerous situation if you have just one thing: anticipation. So keep your head on a swivel and ride safe.
+4 1/2
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Old 07-08-2008, 09:18 PM   #13
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I'm a new rider as well,with just under 50 miles on my bike.I was feeling pretty good and felt I was progressing along fairly well for an old lady.But...when I used the brakes improperly,and fell on my shoulder,hard, and the bike was laying on me,I suddenly realized I needed a lot more instruction.
So I think even though we feel confident,our worst enemy will be not paying attention to cage drivers. My brother continues to teach me stuff every day,and because he was almost killed by a drunk driver,and his best friend was killed by the same driver that night,he continually warns me to be extremely observant of everyone around me.He has done motocross for years and is extremely gifted in all things motorcycles.BTW:The reason he and his friend were hit?The drunken driver of the car that hit them told his passengers:"Watch me take out the bikers."They testified to that in court.My brother and his best friend never had a chance.
Be careful and be alert.I guess it is them against us,isn't it? But in my entire driving career,all 44 years of it,I have always been careful around motorcycles,realizing they cannot stop on a dime(close,though),and it is entirely up to me to keep myself safe.
Take good care
My new mantra:Ride safe.Ride nice.

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Old 07-09-2008, 02:16 AM   #14
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Nothing stopping ya from just pulling over and getting things back in perspective

also ya might want to do a couple of practice runs on theweek end when traffic is down ... i use any excuse to get out on the bike.. (my wife loves it when i volunteer for errends )
2008 black GZ250
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