Forum: GZ250 Media
10-07-2013, 01:30 AM
Replies: 21
Views: 15,771
Forum: Other Models/Manufacturers
09-24-2013, 09:20 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 6,573
Re: Savage 650
Gonna be back in the saddle WW? Great! Fingers crossed for a good deal and bike!
Forum: Member Introductions
08-09-2013, 04:28 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 14,845
Forum: General GZ250 Talk
06-05-2013, 06:04 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 8,332
Re: Just my thoughts
I have riden this bike all day, made something about 350km, on a nice road i cruised around 110km/h with no problems. Record of speed i had with mine was something around 130km/h, but just for a few...
Forum: Troubleshooting
05-29-2013, 11:33 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 8,550
Re: Strage leak at cylinder top
Similar to mine... The leak went from the top of the cylinder head, it was not a gasket. Mechanic put off the tank and the top, put some paste for sealing and off the bike went... I had a thread...
Forum: GZ250 Media
05-29-2013, 11:26 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 5,884
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
05-24-2013, 01:43 AM
Replies: 28
Views: 12,598
Re: Three weeks since double bypass surgery.
Dentheman! Take care of your health and diet. Red wine is great. Your doctor propably told you also what avoid to eat. Forget pork, fried food... use plenty of olive oil, garlic, fish and...
Forum: General GZ250 Talk
05-24-2013, 01:34 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 8,281
Re: 4+ years of riding and it finally happened
Congrats! GSX-Rs are speedy gonzales, can't imagine myself on it in longterm, cause I want to feel cosy when riding. How do you like it? It must be quite a leap and change of personality...
Forum: Troubleshooting
05-22-2013, 03:21 PM
Replies: 36
Views: 18,505
Re: The Rundown-by Craig
In my case, when rectifier was bad, before bike went dead totally (2km before) the bike was full throttled and it stalled(like something disrupted his machine) and then went on for 2 km and...
Forum: Other Models/Manufacturers
05-16-2013, 08:42 AM
Replies: 7
Views: 7,563
Forum: Troubleshooting
05-15-2013, 11:56 AM
Replies: 36
Views: 18,505
Forum: Troubleshooting
05-15-2013, 07:37 AM
Replies: 36
Views: 18,505
Re: The Rundown-by Craig
Alan: I must agree on that about gz's rectifiers. I remember that to a mechanic guy it wasn't strange, cause he immediatly said it was a rectifier (that's why I was suspicious), but later when all...
Forum: Troubleshooting
05-15-2013, 01:52 AM
Replies: 36
Views: 18,505
Re: The Rundown-by Craig
In my case it was rectifier, after it was changed with a new one, GZ worked normal. In my case was that, when bike wnet dead, the battery was emptied too. Astiryu, if i understand...
Forum: Member Introductions
04-22-2013, 02:23 AM
Replies: 56
Views: 16,885
Re: Slovenija here
Hello guys!
I was absent a lot on this forum, due to my job and new bike with winter gone. I've been cruising a lot with my new Vulcan, being thankful to myself to be wise enough year ago buying...
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-26-2013, 02:58 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: General GZ250 Talk
02-24-2013, 03:58 AM
Replies: 18
Views: 11,183
Re: Moving up...New toy
Congrats on a new bike! All written above is true; much heavier, watch out for the drops of bike, especially when starting driving from a stop, right corner and uphill (to much throttle and a bit to...
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-21-2013, 05:46 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Member Introductions
02-21-2013, 02:22 AM
Replies: 25
Views: 10,176
Re: Now I'm excited!!!
Welcome! It's nice to read about the enthusiasm you have, real kicker for wanting the roadtrip. Keep us posted and i hope you'll cure the happy GZr!!!
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-15-2013, 01:32 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-12-2013, 01:03 PM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-10-2013, 03:46 PM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-10-2013, 10:22 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-08-2013, 11:55 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-08-2013, 05:44 AM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944
Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
02-07-2013, 02:05 PM
Replies: 3,698
Views: 11,470,944