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Old 10-06-2012, 09:56 PM   #1
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2006 gz turns but won't start.

Hey Everyone,
I have a 2006 Gz with about 17,000 miles.
My bike slowly developed a starting problem over about 3 weeks going from starts up no problem, to a bit harder than usual to start, to does not start. :??:

1) It turns over no problem, and air puffs out of the exhaust.
2) I charged the battery up the best I could. It didn't seem to act any differently. Also, I got busy and couldn't work on the bike for 10 days. I went to try to start it after all that time, and it was only too happy to turn and turn and turn. I don't notice any big dimming of the headlight when it turns either.
3) Took a quick look at the carb today and it looked squeaky clean inside. Although a more thorough look may be necessary.
4) The fuel screens on the intake in the gas tank are nice and clean.
5) The spark plug sparks with no problem.
6) I use the choke when I try to start it. I always have.
7) I can get it to roll start if I get it rolling pretty good, although that's getting harder to do too. It runs ok once I get it going. However it idles a little rough and kind of wants to die at traffic lights. I also noticed in the weeks that it was getting harder to start, that the idle was getting a little rough along with it.

I saw the post for the 2001 gz before this one. I'm going to see if one of the jets got slowly clogged. It seems to me I have air and spark, and gas is all that's missing from the equation. I was just wondering if anyone else had an cool input.

- Thanks All

totally bummed my bike won't start
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Old 10-07-2012, 10:14 PM   #2
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Took the carb out. Took a look at the jets. Cleaned them out with a little B12.
Put everything back together.
Turns but won't start.

Roll started it. Fires up and runs well. :skeptical:


Does anyone know much about the ignitor? I'm guessing I'm going to have to go after the electrical system. Maybe the ignition spark is just not getting timed right due to a faulty ignition circuit.

I have the following theory. When I roll start the bike, maybe when I pop the clutch the ignition circuit gets cut out because the clutch lever is open - the ignition circuit stops screwing up the timing - the distributor takes over the timing and the bike starts.
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Old 10-08-2012, 04:11 AM   #3
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Originally Posted by BonChaton
7) I can get it to roll start if I get it rolling pretty good, (
Just a thought - clutching at straws, really - but it occurs to me that by rolling it, the engine is causing suction to open the petcock. Have you tried starting it in "pri"? If it starts, then you have a problem with the rubber pipes to the petcock. As to your suggestion about the ignition circuit, it's got me really stumped. Could be, but it sounds unlikely. However - stranger things have happened. :??: It really sounds more of a fuel problem than electrical. As a general rule of thumb, if it's an electrical thing, the bike will either run or not. A fuel fault will cause rough running. Carb cleaning is not my area of expertise, so perhaps someone could come in at this point, to explain if there's any more bits of the carb that you should check.
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Old 10-08-2012, 08:23 AM   #4
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Agree with Alan.

If there was an electrical issue, you wouldn't even be able to roll start it. It wouldn't even come close. Now, if the bike smelled heavily of gas and didn't start, then we would assume something electrical, but that's not the case.

Test it in PRI.
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Old 10-08-2012, 10:02 AM   #5
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

hey bon, in reply to your question about my issue, mine turned out to be the pilot jet causing the issue. a quick clean out and running some carb cleaner through the lines did the trick. looks like it wasnt any help to you though

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Old 10-08-2012, 11:11 AM   #6
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

install a new spark plug
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Old 10-08-2012, 11:19 AM   #7
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Originally Posted by raul10141964
install a new spark plug
He said "the sparkplug sparks with no problem".
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Old 10-08-2012, 11:37 AM   #8
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

a bad sparkplug will spark off the engine but with misfire when instale

I kep a spare on the bike
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Old 10-08-2012, 01:18 PM   #9
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

I have to check closer for a gas smell.
After playing around with the carb, there is gas all over the place and its hard to catch gas smell from the bike.
Although I can tell you, when I open the float bowl drain to work on the carb there is plenty of gas in it.

Here is the weirdness of the weirdness.
I roll start the bike and ride it around. Everything is fine. Maybe a little stuttery on idle but not too bad, especially after it warms up.
I stop and turn the bike off.
Two seconds later I try to start it.
It turns and turns and turns but doesn't even cough once. Not even one pseudo - start. Nothing but turn turn turn. :shocked:
But if I roll it again - vroom. Starts right up again. :skeptical:

I guess when the engine is running maybe there is enough vacuum to overcome a cloggy carb, which starting might not be able to overcome.
I might try to drop some carb cleaner into it and take it on a long spin to see of it gets any better.

The ultimate of confusion to me though, is that when I try to start it, regardless of conditions, it doesn't even get close to firing. Not even one cough. sputter, skip. nada. For a bike that will run, something about that screams 'bad timing on start' to me.

Thanks for your comments. They have me thinking.

More later.
"Att'y: It's sort of a wild goose chase, more or less, but personally, we're dead serious. " - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hunter S. Thompson.
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Old 10-08-2012, 02:24 PM   #10
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Re: 2006 gz turns but won't start.

Dunno what Suzuki are playing at. My mate's got a Suzuki 125cc scooter. Even that's got FI. But they could never instal it on the GZ. Oh well..... :??:

Remember that the carb is the achilles heel of an otherwise decent GZ. You'll find that once you get it running, you'll need regular doses of carb cleaner in the tank to keep it in tip top order.
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