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Old 01-04-2012, 12:52 AM   #31
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kannapolis, NC
Posts: 33
Re: Intermittent Lack of Power

Oddly enough, I never have an issue anywhere else but on the hill. Even on bad days, although it is slow to get there, I could do 60-65 no problem. Thing is, the speed limit is 55, and I don't speed, EVER. So it's hard to test the top speed since it is in excess of the speed limit and I refuse to go there unless it's on the interstate where I can safely test it, and I tend to stay away form that particular path. It just scares the hell out of me with all the construction in the area.

It's not so much a top speed issue as it is a maintaining issue. I get the analysis with the wind, and more than likely it is a major culprit of the behavior. Weather conditions change too rapidly around here to get an entirely gut measured reading of power, especially with such a low powered bike.

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Old 02-07-2012, 08:32 PM   #32
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Kannapolis, NC
Posts: 33
Re: Intermittent Lack of Power

So after I recently passed 2400 miles on the odometer, the bike started to wake up a bit. I haven't had the issue on the large hill anymore since then, it was very happy to maintain a constant 55, and then a few hundred miles ago, it magically decided it would ACCELERATE up the hill! I couldn't have been more pleased. Unfortunately, the bike was up for sale when I found a really good deal on a new local CBR250r, and I was in too deep to back out. So, sadly, my GZ is getting ready to leave to a new happy family. But, being my baby, before I sold it to them I did a background check, learned a bit about them, checked where they lived, yearly income, other vehicle conditions, social security number, what their breath smelled like, favorite movies, traffic tickets... :lol:

So if your GZ lacks a bit, wait a couple thousand miles for it to wake up a bit before making the mistake of upgrading too soon! I already miss the bike and it's not even gone yet....
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