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Old 12-20-2010, 02:02 PM   #31
music man
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Re: It Is What It Is

The problem is that once you get into the position Sarris is in now, where you are liquidating assets just to keep the lights on (figuratively speaking), it is way too late to pick up and relocate, because if you had the funds to do that, you wouldn't be selling your stuff in the first place.

Not a knock on Sarris mind you, because that is usually exactly how it works, you very rarely get to know your going to end up in that position, you just start slowing inching your way toward where he is now, and then BAM, you realize that you have your back against the wall.

Like I have told Sarris, I have had a house and driveway full of stuff more than once in my life only to have it all vaporize before my eyes. I have more now than I ever have before (money and stuff), not that I have a whole lot of either, but I have more than I personally have ever had. But that doesn't mean that for a second I don't know that I could be sitting empty-handed all over again, but I also know that I am going to do what I have always done, and knowing Sarris as well as I think I do, what he is going to do too, he is going to pick himself up off the ground, brush himself off and build up all over again.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]

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Old 12-20-2010, 05:29 PM   #32
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Re: It Is What It Is

My biggest problem is that I have semi-elderly parents here and I want to enjoy their company in their twilight years. I was born in Clearwater, Florida less than 30 miles from where I now live. I'm a tried and true Florida boy and I don't plan on leaving until life becomes unbearable here.

I've got 20 to 24 months worth of living expenses still in the coffers. The bike sale was a preemptive strike to buy me more time to find a local job.

Thanks for y'alls positive thoughts, but I'll come out of this. I'm not down, and I'm sure as hell not out. The fat man will be just fine.

Prudent riders live longer than moron riders.
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Old 12-20-2010, 05:38 PM   #33
music man
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Re: It Is What It Is

Sarris is just yankin' our chain, he sold the both the bikes because he got the itch to buy the new 2011 Harley Ultra deluxe mega killer special Classic Glide 3000cc, with a optional full time butt massage therapist on board and fold out king size pillow top bed on the back :lol:

I thought this thread needed some lighter subject matter for a bit.
"Tell me what kind of wreck you're going to have and I'll tell you what type of helmet you need." [Author Unknown]

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Old 12-20-2010, 09:42 PM   #34
Water Warrior 2
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Re: It Is What It Is

Would love to hear the lighter subject matter was true.
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