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Old 09-10-2010, 08:11 AM   #11
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Re: Thread pissing contests

I have'nt been on as much as in the past. But seems like when I do return and read the posts, there's always an argument in at least one of them. Anyway, I've done everything to the GZ I'm going to do, Just waiting for finances to get in order so I can get rid of it and get a larger bike.
I'll pop on every once in a while to see if I can contribute. Most of the time the Q has been answered.
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Old 09-10-2010, 09:16 AM   #12
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Re: Thread pissing contests

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
I hear what all of you are saying, it's better sometimes to let it slide, but when it continues I don't believe in ignoring piss-poor behavior. If it's ignored, it's like rewarding it because then it gets perpetuated because there is no punishment.
The problem with that reasoning is that, by responding in a negative personal way, you are not punishing the person. You are rewarding them. That's what they want you to do. That's what they need you to do. The best way to "punish" them is to ignore them, and let them look foolish, hostile, and sick in front of everyone else, which they do. By responding at their level, you legitimize their behavior, give them the sick pleasure they want, and make them look less foolish. That's been my observation anyway.
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Old 09-10-2010, 09:17 AM   #13
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Re: Thread pissing contests

Originally Posted by bonehead
I have'nt been on as much as in the past. But seems like when I do return and read the posts, there's always an argument in at least one of them. Anyway, I've done everything to the GZ I'm going to do, Just waiting for finances to get in order so I can get rid of it and get a larger bike.
I'll pop on every once in a while to see if I can contribute. Most of the time the Q has been answered.
Good luck, Godspeed, and ride safe!
54 HD Hummer,64 Honda150,66 Ducati250,01 Vulcan500,02 Vulcan1500,83 Nighthawk650,91 K75,95 VLX,04 VLX,01 GS500E,01 Ninja250, 02 Rebel,04 Ninja500,06 Concours,96 R850R

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Old 09-10-2010, 09:52 AM   #14
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Re: Thread pissing contests

Originally Posted by mrlmd1
I hear what all of you are saying, it's better sometimes to let it slide, but when it continues I don't believe in ignoring piss-poor behavior. If it's ignored, it's like rewarding it because then it gets perpetuated because there is no punishment. You don't raise or treat your kids that way, I'm sure you don't tolerate that from them. Yeah, we're supposedly adults, but I think someone should be called out on this kind of thing that goes way beyond teasing, it's just nasty, so maybe it would stop if enough others find it objectionable. I'm not the only one on here who has been the brunt of this and this is not the only site he's on on which this occurs. But I will try to be less critical and maybe a little more tolerant, but will still excersize my right to call anyone out when I think they went over the line and are abusive. Anyone else is free to do this at any time, to whomever they feel acts that way. We'll see what happens and how this goes.

While I agree with this statement to a certain extent, I also have to say that while I realize that Your and Easy Rider's Latest Argument seems to be the the one that set this thread in motion, I don't think that AlanC was just pointing the finger at you two when he started this thread.

I will also say that being a perpetrator of a few of these threads that have devolved into pissing matches, it is human nature to let your emotions get the better of you sometimes and its going to keep happening. What I would ask is from now own, the very second you (not you personally, but just in general) feel you want to say something inflamatory towards someone, open up a new thread in this very section of the forum and let the flaming begin. That way any members that don't want to read it, don't have to. :2tup:
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Old 09-10-2010, 10:37 AM   #15
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Re: Thread pissing contests

BB, Dhg, and MM - good comments and advice, I'll take it as such and I know what AC was trying to do. Like I said, we'll see what happens and how it goes, but the abrasiveness of comments has to stop in response to another's post. For everyone.

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Old 09-10-2010, 12:25 PM   #16
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Re: Thread pissing contests

My ex-wife was going to join this forum til she read your post - thanks alan!!! :lol:

Mama always told me "Don't sweat the petty stuff, and don't pet the sweaty stuff." Ok, so it wasn't mama who said it, but the idea is there. The rule I try to live by is 'would I rather be right, or would I rather be happy?' 99.998 percent of the time, I would rather be happy. So if someone posts something that contradicts something I wrote, or admonishes me for something, I just take it with an "Eh, whatever," and let it go. Why let that person rent space in my head? I have enough of that type of crap in my day to day - sure don't want to experience in this, or any forum.

I think the best advice given (actually it was all pretty good) was to simply take the arguments to this section of the forum, where they belong - "Opinions". And as far as trying to "punish" someone, I just don't see how that can ever work in this type of format. Now if I could reach through that ethernet cable and grab someone by the ear, wellll.... :biggrin:

I guess I have been blessed to get along with everyone here, probably because I have made a conscious choice to do so. Or maybe just from dumb luck. Either way, I am grateful, and hope that no one leaves because of this stuff.

Can't we all just get along??? :retard: (HORRIBLE cliche' I know - but hopefully someone got a smile out of it)

Ride safe all.

AZ Kev
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Old 09-10-2010, 01:16 PM   #17
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Re: Thread pissing contests

Dang, Kev! I was going to say that
Anyway, no one hi-jacked or dominated the ethanol thread (being used here as an example). There are enough people on this list, I'm sure one would have said "take it to Opinions list, fellas" should that have happened… I see a lot Sturm und Drang here, but I fail to see a problem.
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Old 09-10-2010, 06:17 PM   #18
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Re: Thread pissing contests

Originally Posted by 3-D Video
I see a lot Sturm und Drang here, but I fail to see a problem.
I agree with Alan 100%.....which some may find surprising and a few may not be able to believe.
In keeping with the spirit of his "observation" I will take this opportunity to.......not comment further.
Some of the earlier posts in this thread speak loudly for themselves.
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