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Old 04-20-2009, 10:52 PM   #1
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which Rotella T

Today I went to Walmart to actually see the Rotella oil cans. Until now I have only read the posts about that. They have Rotella T 5W-40 (blue 1g can) for $19. It is full synthetic and it says on the can that it is for gasoline engines also. They also have Rotella T 15W-40 (white 1g can) for $10.50 but on the can it does not say that it is for gasoline engines. It only mentions diesel. On Shell website they mention this oil as multigrade and it is also for gasoline engines. Is it only for big gasoline engines or any gasoline engine (small as GZs)?

There is a difference of $10. So which type is really good. The difference is not that much. I change (oil + filter) every 3000 miles. I use my motorcycle everyday, does not abuse but I drive fast.

Actually I am asking to compare the two types with the standard Suzuki brand. On the scale of 1-10, where is 5W-40 and where is 15W-40. :??:

Thanks a lot.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:05 PM   #2
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Re: which Rotella T

the 15w 40 is dino oil (in other words its just plain oil, not synthetic) that is why it is cheaper. as for the rest of what your asking, the 15w 40 is a little thick but I have seen people on the internet with old Volkswagen beetles that use it alot, and say it works good, and it has a very small engine (but its still about 7 times the size of the GZ engine) and also you have to be careful using anything that thick when its cold, which is why they (beetle owners) use thinner oil in the winter. the beetle is also air cooled like the GZ. So I don't know if i would use it or not in my GZ, but I do use the 5w40 synthetic and i love it, I have used royal purple, lucas, and the suzuki brand, so far the Rotella synthetic is the best as far as performance and lasting.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:09 PM   #3
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Re: which Rotella T

The synthetic is exactly what I use on all my bikes. Shifting and running is the smoothest it's ever been. I changed the Shadow over to it after I bought it and was amazed at the difference.

The "Diesel only" dino oil is just fine for wet-clutch motorcycles also.
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Old 04-20-2009, 11:34 PM   #4
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Re: which Rotella T

I did some work for a company that tested oils a few years ago, and after seeing the significant difference in synthetic over conventional oil, I've never chosen to use conventional again. I used the Shell Rotella 5W-40 Synthetic in three diesel trucks, a cadillac STS with a Northstar engine, two Saturn's, and two Ford Rangers. It's good stuff, now after reading the article somebody linked on the Forum, I plan to use it in my GZ 250. I've been paying about $9.50 a QT for Suzuki's Synthetic oil from the dealer, but I'd rather have the Rotella for less than half the cost!
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Old 04-21-2009, 08:50 AM   #5
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Re: which Rotella T

Originally Posted by music man
but I do use the 5w40 synthetic and i love it,
I use the "blue jug" synthetic in everything I own, including one light duty diesel tractor..........except my bike. Like others have said, it would be fine in there too but I guess I'm a little paranoid when it comes to the bike. I use Mobil 1 synthetic Vtwin; it's 15W40, I think. It is formulated for an air cooled bike. Quite a bit more expensive, however.

Plan to use the Mobil 1 MX Synthetic in the VTX as it recommends a thinner oil, since it is water cooled.

Don't obsess over exactly which oil to use; just pick one and stick with it. Any modern major brand oil will be fine......as long as it isn't labeled as "energy conserving"; synthetic may be a tiny bit better.
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Old 04-21-2009, 06:51 PM   #6
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Re: which Rotella T

I used the Rotella-T synthetic in my GZ250 and loved it. When I got my KZ550, I decided to use the conventional version, mainly because the guys at the KZ forums pretty much unanimously agreed that synthetic oils in these older bikes (with dried out gaskets, etc) isn't a great idea. I don't know how much truth there is to it, but when an entire population of riders riding the same bike as you decide against synthetic, it makes ya think. So far I have had ZERO issues with the conventional oil. Even the Rotella-T conventional is stuff stuff designed for heavy use in diesel engines.
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Old 04-21-2009, 10:19 PM   #7
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Re: which Rotella T

today i did the oil and filter change and washed my motorcycle, looks great and runs smooth, gear shifting is really swift and smooth and i feel some difference. will know more after this oil gets old and i get used to it.

Thanks to everyone for replies.
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Old 04-22-2009, 12:27 PM   #8
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Re: which Rotella T

So which one did you use?
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Old 04-22-2009, 02:27 PM   #9
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Re: which Rotella T

i used Rotella T (full synthetic) blue jug.
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Old 04-22-2009, 03:27 PM   #10
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Re: which Rotella T

Would love to try Rotella Synthetic but no one in this area carries it. Not even a shell station. Have been using Amsoil and think it is the best but recently it went up to $20 a liter here. Filters and oil for both bikes would cost $150 minimum. That is just plain retarded.
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