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Old 03-14-2009, 09:57 AM   #71
Easy Rider
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by mr. softie
While my top speed has dropped since I put the 16 tooth sprocket on, I can still cruise at 70-75 fairly easily.
I have a LARGE windshield and a 16T. I probably could do that too........given good conditions and a LONG time to get there but I have found some uncomfortable noises and/or vibrations above 65 so I don't go there often. I don't have a feeling that it is too light at those speeds but maybe part of that is the large angled shield keeping it firmly planted on the road.
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Old 03-14-2009, 10:26 AM   #72
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

I was doing it today on Route 30 for miles and touching 80 now and then. Of course that is riding flat out. The trick for me is keeping the rpm's up. I weigh 230lbs with my gear on, and am using a spitfire windshield and saddlebags
i dont think my friend was messing with me. if a man than has 70 lbs on me can go 75 easy and hit 80 sometimes its verry possible that i may have hit 85-90.
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Old 03-14-2009, 11:05 AM   #73
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by phoenix
its verry possible that i may have hit 85-90.
I don't think anybody is saying it is impossible......but a LOT of us are saying it is highly unlikely, for a sustained distance, given all the evidence we have collectively accumulated........including but not limited to the fact that the speedometer seems to be very accurate (if it is not broken).
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Old 04-16-2009, 09:45 PM   #74
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Got my GZ up to 77 going downhill between Atlanta and Chattnooga, probably the same hill Easy Rider got his up to 80 on. I'm 6' 1'' and 210 and I just have the stock sprockets no modifications. I also did this before I changed the exhaust and adjusted the carb, but I don't think my top end has changed any from those things, I just seem to be able to maintain my speed on the hills a lot better than before, but no faster overall.
As to the GPS stuff, I've borrowed one a couple of times for the car, one got me off the highway and sent me through downtown St. Louis, about 15 stops and turns and a lot of wasted time later it brought me back up on the same highway one exit ahead of where it told me to exit. The other time I was in Kerrville, Texas and it told me to "turn right now" which would have put me into a cement wall, so I ignored it! The actual place to turn right was about 2 miles further up the road. I guess they were okay, but hey, reading a map is not that hard, and seems to be more accurate to me and they definitely cost less!
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Old 04-17-2009, 02:47 PM   #75
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Burkbuilds, you have to spend some time playing with a GPS. Best is to stay on roads you know and monitor how the GPS instructs you. They have many options that you are probably unaware of at this time. We have a cheapie that successfully gets us from point A to point B every time.

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Old 04-18-2009, 11:32 AM   #76
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

My GPS proves the GZ speedometer is quite accurate. Any speed notice should be on the flat with no wind. A rock can go fast downhill behind a truck with a tailwind
But 90mph??? I don't think so.
I just love my GPS because I often cruise way out in the county on the Georgia backroads. I am never lost, of course, but am often confused, as the famous explorer, Kit Carson, used to say. Of course, I don't read the GPS while riding, but to me not having one on rides would be silly. My first one ( a Magellen) recently died, so I just bought my second one, a Garmin.

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Old 04-18-2009, 11:35 AM   #77
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

What does the 16 tooth mod do? Does it lower the gears or raise them?
Why do it? My GZ is stock and the gearing just seems perfect to me.
I can't imagine the 200+ pound guys spending money to lower the rpms. They (OK, we) need more rpms, not less. You'll never overrev todays motorcycles in anything but 1st or 2nd.

Chris, retired, Atlanta
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Old 04-18-2009, 12:35 PM   #78
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

The 16 tooth raises the effective gear ratio. First gear in particular is longer and will get you comfortably through intersections without a second gear upshift. The bike cruises easier at 60 to 65 MPH. Theoretically it should have more top end with the 16 tooth, but the motor runs out of torque before you get there. I find the bike runs a bit more "relaxed" with the 16 tooth.

There must be a rideability fine line at the 15 to 16 tooth point, as I think Suzuki could have gone either way. Also remember that one front tooth = 4 +/- rear teeth, so you could split hairs if the correct sprockets were available.

It's cheap to do. Some like it, others don't.

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Old 04-18-2009, 12:42 PM   #79
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

The 16t makes the bike real smooth in all the gears.

It raises the speeds in each gear.

5th gear was quite buzzy on mine above 65 mph , now it is smooth.

I can pull from 35 to WOT in 5th , no problem.

Today I got gas at one of the few real gas (not blended) stations that is on a freeway.

I ran 80+ on the way over and 85+ coming back. There was a little more left in the throttle.


PS last fillup 3.277 gals @199 miles =60726274mpg
my average is 66-67 mpg.
This was he trip following the 1200cc Kaw. thru the mountains.

Truth is there are lots of great bikes available
and not nearly as many good riders out there riding them...
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Old 04-18-2009, 04:42 PM   #80
Easy Rider
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
I can't imagine the 200+ pound guys spending money to lower the rpms.
If you have read the recommendations for the 16T sprocket......which I'm sure I have posted AT LEAST 5 times in varioius threads and others have mentioned too.......you would know that, yes, it raises the gearing so you don't have to "race" it so much in the lower gears. The price you pay for that is a " wash out" of the top end in 5th gear.

NOT recommended for: Large loads, 2-up, Interstates or areas where there are a lot of tall hills.
So it would appear that your analysis is correct.

In general, it makes it feel a little "zippier" in 1-4 and anemic in 5th.
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