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Old 03-07-2009, 09:19 PM   #51
Easy Rider
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
The users don't know and can't find out? Why is that? I'm not suggesting a problem, but usually when you ask a question you get an answer.
All the information you asked for IS and HAS BEEN available in the posts on here for a LONG time.

The fact that you seem to be too dense or too lazy to look for it would tend to indicate that you don't REALLY want to know the answers but are just asking to stir up crap.

The person who uses a handle of Dupo is the actual owner. He drops by from time to time......and posts things about his new bike......that is NOT a GZ.

Hate to say this, Chris, but everybody else seems to be OK with how things are run around here; if you aren't OK with it, you are welcome to leave at any time. If you feel you must cop an attitude, please do it elsewhere. :popcorn:
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Old 03-07-2009, 09:27 PM   #52
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
It strikes me as odd that it is a secret about who owns this board. And the employment of who monitors the board.

The users don't know and can't find out? Why is that? I'm not suggesting a problem, but usually when you ask a question you get an answer.
I've taken the forefront on safety, maintenance, safe riding, fun cruises, and getting high gas mileage. Some guys have used bad language, bad habits, and incorrect information. Some have even posted notes and pictures on bikes that are nothing like a GZ250.
So I ran my bike up to 79mph and I'm being censored?

Chris, retired experienced rider near Atlanta

First of all you are the only person that seems not to know who "owns" this board, Dupo as far as I know started it, and then Had Badbob come in and start helping out with the site, then He got Patrick on board, And if you look right up under Patrick or Dupo's Name on their posts (and Badbob too) it says ADMIN!!!!

And Everyone else that has chimed in is correct, you OBVIOUSLY didn't read what Patrick posted when he moved yet another thread you started about the top speed of a/your GZ.

All he said was and I quote "Chris, stop creating new threads about this topic." Do you really call that being censored? And not only that how did he censor you, He didn't even erase your new post, He just merged it with one of YOUR OWN other threads about the exact same thing.

Chill out Dude

Tony, Chillin In Arkansas

P.S. I wrote this before I read Easy's post, he beat me to the submit button.
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Old 03-07-2009, 09:44 PM   #53
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

You guys ALL need to chill.....

because *I* broke that record today! 80 solid miles per hour, on a flat piece of slab with 0 wind. Booyah!

edit: well, i was drafting a bit. :tongue:

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Old 03-08-2009, 12:39 PM   #54
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Hello Mr. Softie,
I did see The Fastest Indian and enjoyed it also. Amazing that the guy lived through all that Bonneville stuff.
Going back 30 years...have you seen "On Any Sunday"? It is about the half mile flat track guys doing 80mph sideways in the dirt. Great movie. In fact, since I am on Netflix, I think I will order it and watch it again.
What other motorcycle movies are there besides the Hells Angels type. This is a good place to list good motorcycle movies.
Changed my oil yesterday. I get the filters on ebay (about $15 for three as opposed to $12 each at the dealer) and they come, with free shipping, right to my mailbox. I use 5-20wt synthetic oil, by the way. I change every 3000 miles (just turned 6000 miles) and it sure came out dirty. If it is that dirty again I may go to a 2000 mile oil change. It is easy and fast to do. I guess the filter and the oil cost about $12 so that is not much to extend the life of my bike. However the GZ250 is well known to be a very long life engine.
After my new top speed record, now I will go for the gas mileage record. I am getting about 75mpg and think I could top 80mpg with easy driving. What mileage are you guys getting? I drive so easy that in my cars I EXCEED the EPA mileage number. My Corolla is rated at 35mpg and I get 40!

Chris, Atlanta
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:08 PM   #55
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
What other motorcycle movies are there besides the Hells Angels type. This is a good place to list good motorcycle movies.
That actually WOULD make a good thread topic.

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Old 03-08-2009, 01:25 PM   #56
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
I get the filters on ebay (about $15 for three as opposed to $12 each at the dealer)

Chris, Atlanta

Your dealer charges you 12 dollars for an oil filter, man you are getting :curse:, i pay like 5 bucks after tax at the suzuki shop for mine.
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:32 PM   #57
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

And they're like $2 from Bike Bandit plus maybe $2 for shipping, plus they have great service.
]I am hiding in Honduras. I am a desperate man. Send lawyers, guns and money. The shit has hit the fan.
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Old 03-08-2009, 01:41 PM   #58
Easy Rider
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by Chris
I use 5-20wt synthetic oil, by the way. I change every 3000 miles (just turned 6000 miles) and it sure came out dirty.
I hope that is a typo. The top number should NOT be less than 40 for an air cooled engine in Georgia. It would be too thin to give good protection when HOT. This is reflected in the recommendations in the owner's manual. Also with the first number being 5, you need to check the label carefully to be sure it doesn't say "energy conserving". Exactly what brand and type of oil are you using ??

You don't need to worry because your oil comes out LOOKING dirty. That is mostly discoloration from heat and occurs with many oils in the first few hundred miles or so. The dark color is especially pronounced with some synthetics and does NOT mean that the oil is dirty or worn out.
Every 3K miles is PLENTY with the proper synthetic.
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Old 03-08-2009, 02:22 PM   #59
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

Originally Posted by patrick_777
Originally Posted by Chris
What other motorcycle movies are there besides the Hells Angels type. This is a good place to list good motorcycle movies.
That actually WOULD make a good thread topic.

I remember a movie with Barry Sheene in the early 80's, some of the racing scenes were cool, but there were a bunch of goofy dream sequnences and stuff. Now I gotta go look it up.

On edit....
http://www.amazon.com/Space-Riders-Barr ... B00000F68V
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Old 03-13-2009, 12:55 PM   #60
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Re: Speed Record for the GZ250

i'm courious what gas and windshield you guys are useing. beacouse last week my friend and I went down I-70 norm traffic there is like 75 or so and I was passing stuff left and right when we got back to town my friend said i was pushing 90 mph.
i cant really say for sure sence my speedo is not right reads slow and i never hit 75 on it. i was running on sheel 91 gas with nitrigon additive and a ss-10 viper windshield. i am about 150 lbs. and sorry for the spelling
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