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Old 11-26-2008, 05:15 PM   #1
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Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

I was checking a web side http://www.loncin.ca/schematic-list.aspx?ModelID=10 they have a 300cc actually a 292cc that is the same than the gz250 the only difference after checking the parts number is the part number on the camshaft the 300cc is 12711-38202 the Gz 250 is 12711-13foo and the cylinder head assembly 300 cc is11111-38204 and the 250 is11100-25do2 other wise piston, jug, valves, gaskets, timing chain, etc.etc they are all the same just check the web side and check the parts numbers and compare I have that atv and the eng have the Suzuki logo on the eng cover just like the GZ 250 but is a 300 (292) and you can feel the diference when you open it up probably the cam is more for torke than speed so probably you could interchange the camshaft the camshaft sproket is the same on the 250 and 300 :2tup:

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Old 11-26-2008, 06:51 PM   #2
Easy Rider
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Originally Posted by perroloco
I was checking a web side http://www.loncin.ca/schematic-list.aspx?ModelID=10 they have a 300cc actually a 292cc that is the same than the gz250 the only difference after checking the parts number
Sorry but it just isn't that simple.

You can ***NOT*** gain additional displacement without changing the piston/sleeve or the crankshaft or both.
You can change cams and heads all you want but it will NOT change the dispacement.
It just won't; it can't.
Changing those things would change the compression ratio but not the displacement.
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Old 11-26-2008, 08:42 PM   #3
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Is it possible that the 292 uses more of the cylinder? (The piston travels up higher in the cylinder?) Doesn't sound plausible, but, technically, that could increase the displacement, right?

It's interesting the lengths people will go through to get just a tad more performance out of the GZ (it's SO CLOSE to being fast enough for NEARLY everything.) Is there a bike out there with a similar profile and weight that can do 75 without divine intervention?
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Old 11-26-2008, 08:50 PM   #4
music man
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

No, Easy is right, without increasing the size of the piston, cylinder....etc,etc. You are not gonna increase displacement, you might increase power a little without doing so, but not the displacement.
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Old 11-26-2008, 09:20 PM   #5
Easy Rider
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Is it possible that the 292 uses more of the cylinder? (The piston travels up higher in the cylinder?) Doesn't sound plausible, but, technically, that could increase the displacement, right?
Yes, of course. That's what happens when you change the crankshaft and the connecting rods.
Might be able to use the same pistons but probably not.
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Old 11-27-2008, 12:49 AM   #6
Water Warrior 2
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Assuming everything would fit without modification a larger cylinder and piston would increase displacement. The result would be a bit more torque. A slightly larger carb might be needed also. This would not likely make the GZ any faster overall (maybe just a bit) but it would climb a grade a bit better. Not sure if the results would justify tearing apart a nice small bore engine. Before I would tear apart a GZ in a questionable quest for more usable power I would start hunting for another bike such as the Suzuki 650 single. Lots more grunt and the bike is only 60 pounds more in weight.
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Old 11-27-2008, 02:56 PM   #7
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

the top end specs appear very similiar except bore 78 mm vs 72 mm torque is up hp is down. Top speed is governed by hp acceleration by torque.

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Old 11-28-2008, 04:01 AM   #8
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

hi guys...

take a look at this brochure..it surely match the GZ250 specification

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Old 11-28-2008, 11:04 PM   #9
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Sure looks a lot like a GZ to me. They probably have ties with Suzuki and make components for them. Air/oil cooling would be a bonus too. Got a feeling the whole engine would drop right into a GZ frame with ease. Or just buy the whole bike and hope the overall build quality is as good as Suzuki. Simple numbers tell me the bike would have about 28 HP if all things are equal. That would certainly get you some speeding tickets.
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Old 11-29-2008, 05:25 AM   #10
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Re: Yes it is a way to change your gz250 to a300cc

Just be VERY careful if you're buying a Chinese bike. A couple of years back I bought a "Lanverrti"
The engines are fine - they buy them in from Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha etc. It's just that everything else is total crap. I reckoned 1 day on the road then 2 in the workshop. I had so many problems with brakes, cooling, guages etc, that after 2 months & 1000km I took it back to the dealer & demanded my money back. He had to agree that I was right, & got the importers to take it back. From my own experiences I would not advise anyone to touch anything with the name LANVERRTI
on it with a pole.
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