Originally Posted by joebielski
GREAT Write up!!! I actually printed it out to keep with all my bike stuff. I'll also get the Proficient Motorcycling book ASAP. Here in Ontario we have a Graduated License system for both bikes and cars. M1, then M2 then full M License. Each has a period of time so you can get practice, but if you take an MSR course the times are reduced. And if you pass the MSR course, you get the next level license instead of going through the ministry of transportation. When I did my M2 course it was a 3 day class. 6 hours in a class room, then 2x 10 hour session on the bikes. That weekend it was POURING rain, but we learned SO MUCH!!!! And of course the hazards of driving in the rain. Great course.
Good for you. Far too many folks ride without the proper endorsment and never take lessons. The book will expand upon everything in your classes. From what I have read in the past most riding classes are based on the writings in Proficient Motorcycling and I can attest to finding it true when I took the course in 2007. I became a much better rider in all respects. We had 6 hours in class and 24 hours on the bikes so it was pretty gruelling but well worth it.
Instructors love new riders because they have not developed any bad habits yet. Older more experienced riders had to unlearn bad habits as well. That was the hard part for me but the lessons likely saved my life a few times since. Prior to that I was an accident looking for some place to happen. Luckily my Guardian Angel was always with me over the years.