Originally Posted by jonathan180iq
Holy crap, man!
Can you not order from over here? Even with shipping you'd be doing yourself a favor. I don't know what the exchange rate it but it can't be that bad...
Whenever I want to buy something big, I usually look Canadian first cause it's cheaper for us, especially car/motorbike stuff
Ah yes, the priviledges of the GWN and it's trade agreements. Nafta(North American Free Trade Agreement)is heavily biased towards the U.S. Not poking at the U.S. mind you. The Canadian politicians that are responsible for this lop sided agreement should have been hung at dawn. You buy our gas cheaper than we can. You buy cars built here cheaper than we can. We seem to be in a one way system of taxes and tariffs that bleeds us almost dry. Shipping from The U.S. to here usually involves UPS and their criminal brokerage fees that really add up. The one real good deal is New Enough in Texas. They will do USPS which is cheaper and less hassle.