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Old 09-06-2008, 11:14 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Anaheim, CA
Posts: 2,926
Corona Motorsports and... I push started the bike!

Welcome to the latest in my series of pointless rides to destinations I didn't need to go to. This latest installment includes a couple of personal milestones that I think put me a tiny bit closer to entry into the Big Boy club.

#1) I had to push start the bike. I am enormously proud of having done this successfully, because I am the sort of person that calls AAA if my tires need air. I also need to give kudos to whoever posted here how to do it, because that is the only way I knew it was possible. The Unknown Poster had said that this was a maneuver not recommended for newbs, but I have never been accused of listening to the voice of experience. It turned out to be tremendously easy, BTW. On my first attempt, I only rolled it about 3 ft at the end of the driveway and when I let out the clutch, it kind of came to a quick halt. My second attempt, I backed up 2/3's the length of the driveway, got it rolling with a duckwalk and, this time, eased it into first. Fired right up. I was so stunned I didn't even consider calling off my ride over the possibility I'd not be able to start it back up for the return. My driveway is not steep, just a slight incline for the water to run off. I was really quite pleased with myself and the ease of this workaround.

#2) This diversion was a little bit further afield than I had been venturing: 72 miles round trip over some pretty challenging terrain. Google timed it out at over 2.5 hours (in a car, presumably.) One of the more gnarly pieces included a 15 mph reverse camber Ess turn with a half twist in full layout position. Degree of difficulty: Holy F**k!

#3) Rode long enough to join the "My Ass Is Sore From the Cheapo Seat" Club. Well, not that sore. But a little.

Ironically, CMS is only about 9 miles or so from my house. A straight shot down the freeway. But even though I am fully licensed now to go on the freeway, I have yet to get the bike over 60 mph (yes, I know , everybody else has. Trust me, unless I'm going downhill with the wind at my back, mine won't do it. A little bit of incline and you are looking at 55-58 mph tops!) Given that average speed on the 91 is 85, that's just asking to be run over. So I went the long way.


Guy in the service department at CMS told me I probably ran the battery down from taking too many short rides (very plausible.) I was able to battery start it twice at the destination, so maybe I'm out of the woods.

Main thing I took away from this trip: the single most important risk factor on these longer rides is not being familiar with the roads. It really takes away a lot of your riding ability if you don't know what lies ahead, where the next turn is, how far you need to go, what the speed limit is, etc. I had a couple of eff-ups on the way out: a panic stop at a stop sign where there was no intersection (weird - the guy in front of me actually sat down on it, and I had to react quickly. Fortunately, I must have developed good instincts. Pulled in the front caliper, stepped on the rear pedal and pulled in the clutch. Laid down some rubber but in a nice straight line. Got the adrenaline going, though... was a little queasy and extra sweaty for the next few miles.) And I almost drifted off one of the less challenging curves. Got a little nervous and was watching the side of the road instead of looking ahead to where I wanted to go. Kept it together though, and mentally kicked myself for making such a dumbass move.

The ride back went much faster and smoother. Even just retracing my steps for the second time made a huge difference. I was somewhat familiar with the roads and turns, and I at least knew when I was past the super tight ess turn and could relax. My average speeds were higher and felt much less clenchy in the twisties. Much more enjoyable than the ride out.
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