Originally Posted by SuziQ07
Originally Posted by diffluere
Dang, I think you are my new gz clone! 5'3, having tire pressure issues! Maybe us short chicks just suck at reading pressure gauges! The $10 digital one made by Slime found at WalMart is awesome! I lost mine and haven't replaced it yet so it's back to the stupid pencil gauge. =P
Anyway, my bike stays on my driveway, so depending on what time I check the pressure, the results vary. It's on the east side of the house so early morning = sunshine, late afternoon = warm temperature and direct sun, evening = no sun. Florida has stupid temperature variation so I take that into account. For example, today it was 85 outside, but now it's only 65. That's at least 2 psi lost (probably around 4psi since the sun isn't shining either.)
Also, for some reason my front tire seems to change psi more rapidly than the back tire. I think this is because the back tire is under the saddlebags and the fender, whereas the front tire is sticking out, basking in the sun. The relative size might matter too.
Hey, you do sound like my GZ clone!! I'm going to look for that gauge at Walmart that you mentioned. My front tire changes more often as well...very interesting. :roll:
Isn't the front tire a little narrower than the rear? If so, the front holds a smaller volume of air than the rear, so tire pressure changes due to the temperature would be more pronounced in the front tire. I have had my skinny, high pressure, (but low volume) bicycle tires blow after the bike sat in the sun for a couple hours.