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Old 05-02-2009, 12:27 PM   #21
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Here's the EPA website that answers a bunch of these questions if you want to read them. If I'm reading this correctly California has some type of waiver on the requirements because they complied with something called a 209(b) waiver. Also Alaska, Hawaii and all U.S. Territories are exempt from mandatory compliance, however refiners located in all those places are still required to use a certain percentage of Ethanol in their gas each year unless they are considered a "small refiner" where those regulations might impose an economic hardship. This requirement increases the amount they have to blend each year for several years, either through 2012 or 2025, I had trouble figuring out which year the most recent legislation indicated. By the way, this type of legislation gets changed a lot from what I read, so what was required by the Clean Air Act of 1990 was changed by an amendment in 2005, which was overtaken by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 which was changed by the Renewable Fuel Standard for 2009 legislation . . . well you get the idea. Some of the stuff I read said that the States were the ones who got to choose if they wanted to mandate that stations had to sell this stuff, but the Feds are requiring refiners to put it in to a certain amount of fuel each year so that may be a mute point if it becomes unavailable without ethanol in it at some point. I also read that the EPA doesn't require stations to post the label telling you it has ethanol, that is left up to each state's legislators, so some states may require the label and others may not. EPA admitted that there was a 30% loss of energy in a gallon of pure ethanol vs pure gasoline, but they deny that a 10% blend would make a noticable difference, (I noticed it though).
There seems to be a lot of money behind all of this, I noticed that Bill Gates has a chunk invested in an Ethanol Refinery plant and it was obvious that corn growing states were getting a lot of government money to produce this stuff, just drive through the corn belt and you'll see lots of new looking silo's and such along the major highways with big signs on them about ethanol.
No doubt the stuff is corrosive to both metal and things like gaskets, seals, hoses, so newer cars (and I assume motorcycles) are manufactured with some changes to help them handle the corrosive aspects, older units will probably have some issues with it. That's one reason refineries are opposed to using it, it eats up their equipment and pipelines but the boys in Washington are mandating it anyway so it's only going to increase in use. By the way, one reason your local retailers use it is that they get $0.50 per gallon from the government for every gallon they sell so that makes it more profitable for them than selling pure gasoline! I'm not sure when that subsidy runs out, some legislation seemed to indicate that it was scheduled to end in December of 2008, but I didn't read all the legislation to see if that has been extended or renewed to some future date.
Hope this info is helpful.

As to finding a local distributor for gas to call and ask look in the Yellow pages under Oils-Fuel and you will probably find them, there are 7 listed in my local directory that way. If nothing else look for a "farm" of those huge fuel storage silos just outside of town(usually) and drive over and ask, that's usually a terminal for a pipeline and then the 18 wheelers take it from there to the local gas stations.

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Old 05-02-2009, 01:59 PM   #22
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by dannylightning
Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by dannylightning
do you know how to find the distributors phone numbers..
Yes. Phone them & ask 'em.
well i understand that
No ......... I don't think you do!............ It was a joke!
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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Old 05-02-2009, 02:55 PM   #23
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by Sarris
I'm fairly sure 10% ethanol is a federal mandate that was put in effect when gas hit $3 last year to stretch reserves. I'm fairly sure it's here to stay.


My wife runs a convenience store, and she said that they switch back and forth between ethanol mixed gas and pure gas all the time, I guess it just depends on whats cheaper at that exact moment. and ethanol also will plug up the fuel filter on anything that was run for a long time before they put ethanol in gas (older cars in other words) because it cleans the shit out of everything it comes in contact with. When they first starting using ethanol at my wife's store they had to change out the filters on the tanks and hoses about 2-3 times a week because they would get stopped up with crap that had been stuck in those tanks for years. Also about 2 tankfuls in to using it, she had to change the fuel filter on her car.

It is what it is, I am like Sarris, unless it becomes unprofitable for the government, I doubt you will see it go away anytime soon. And my wife has also already heard through her "Gasoline Grapevine" that we are most likely gonna see 3 dollar a gallon gas this summer, YIPPY!!!!!!!!
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Old 05-02-2009, 03:13 PM   #24
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by alantf
Yes. Phone them & ask 'em.
well i understand that[/quote]

No ......... I don't think you do!............ It was a joke![/quote]

o thanks lol..
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Old 05-02-2009, 05:16 PM   #25
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by dannylightning

o thanks lol..
I would've put one of them little smiley face thingies in, but I don't know how to do that.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.

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Old 05-02-2009, 08:53 PM   #26
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

I also noticed that my local Sam's club and the Murphy gas stations in front of the local Wal Mart sell gas with no ethanol. Don't know if that's company wide, but you might check it out in your area.
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Old 05-02-2009, 10:11 PM   #27
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by dannylightning

o thanks lol..
I would've put one of them little smiley face thingies in, but I don't know how to do that.
well there as a box for quick reply you type in.. if you wan the smiles right above that on the left there is a thing you can click that says post reply. and the smiley faces will show up.. :neener:
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Old 05-02-2009, 10:39 PM   #28
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
I also noticed that my local Sam's club and the Murphy gas stations in front of the local Wal Mart sell gas with no ethanol. Don't know if that's company wide, but you might check it out in your area.
i was reading some reviews of Murphy gas people are saying some of them have it some of them don't, depends on the walmart/sams club you go to. a lot of people said they buy Murphy gas and get les mpg and the car does not run as well so they would rather buy the more expensive gas that does have the ethanol rather than get cheep gas and less mpg.. my car does not run as good at the cheep stations, i notice more mpg at different gas stations. some of the major gas stations are supposed to put better cleaning additives in their gasoline and i have always heard the discount gas stations don't put much of that kind of thing in there at all. when i get gas at shell my car always seems to have a little more pep, a few times i have got up over 40mpg but only on the shell gas.. at other stations i get 30-32 mpg in my car.

first few times i filled up my bike it was at the mom and pop station, i like to to suport local busineess instead of the major chains but i filled up at a shell and the bike ran better right away. so now i only go to the mom and pop shop for soda, smokes and to get the sausage sandwiches they make when i get off work in the morning. but lately the sandwich suck, they were always fresh and hot now they are usually barley warm and dont taste so fresh.. think they went from making them new every morning to making a bunch at a time and heating them up. next time i get one and it sux i will complain and tell them ill start going to McDonald instead if they continue to suck..
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Old 05-03-2009, 05:46 AM   #29
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by dannylightning
if you wan the smiles there is a thing you can click
Thanks! Didn't realise it was that easy. Computers are still somewhat of a mystery to me. After over half a century of using the stub of a pencil on the back of a cigarette packet, there is now this magic box that actually writes things for me, & then sends them so that I don't have to go to the post box down the street.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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Old 05-08-2009, 07:57 PM   #30
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Re: Be careful when getting fuel

Originally Posted by burkbuilds
I found that my lawn mowers or weed eaters Much harder to start and my gas mileage drops off by about 10% with the ethanol.
what kind of gas millage do you get on that weed eater :whistle: ha ha ha i saw the opportunity there and couldn't pass it up
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