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Old 02-15-2012, 02:57 PM   #1
New GZ250
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Palo Alto, CA
Posts: 297
Why I left the GZ250 Forum

Might be a good new topic, as I have noticed many members stay on a long term basis. I left because I received negative openness to new ideas, sarcastic answers, seems forum members seem to be a cliquish group not really receptive to newer members, being called a flamer. I'm posting this that I think you need to think before you post, most people who join are trying to add to the forum, aren't looking for negative input, and as a last straw being called a "FLAMER". I truly tried to add to this forum but got nothing really positive back with my efforts. I will never add/post to this site again, you might say it's just my view of the site but I think you need to look at the big picture when posting. The site is a great place for resource information, I thank you for that, but believe many others have left because of some of the things I have mentioned. Yes you might call it sour grapes, but I am trying to add to this site, once again in a positive manner. Just think many need to think before they post. I miss many of you guys but I don't need the input from others. Thanks to some for the important information that is available on this site. The question is why so many leave the site. Maybe I have a soft skin and too sensitive. Just try to help and add once again to this site. Haven't checked for my english/spelling so no flaming please. Yes I used to support this site with a few $, but that has nothing to do with it anything in the big picture. Think before you post.

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