Columbia, SC to Talahassee FL - ethanol in gasoline sucks
It was tough on the hills outside of Augusta on I-20 I slowed to below 50 at one point. That was mostly due to some really bad gasoline I got before I left. I did not have the same problem coming back also my millage had plummeted to the 50s and I was freaking out but it went back up to 67 again. I got off of I20 13 miles past Augusta I went through the middle of GA on 221 and 319 It was nice I could go the speed I wanted to -57mph- and It was pretty. Definitely need to start early when the high temp is going to be in the 100s F. I traveled for over 8 hours and my butt was not happy with me about it. I was also exhausted the next day despite having had plenty of sleep. I had saddlebags and a makeshift rack that I bungied my backpack to and I was able to carry quite a bit of cargo. If I had a better seat or even if I figured out how to maybe make one out of memory foam or something I could do it again.
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