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Old 05-18-2011, 05:03 PM   #1
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My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Here is my gz250. just bought it a few weeks ago after selling my 1984 Honda Magna VF700C. Very happy with it. Had to clean it up a bit and work out some kinks, but its been great! This forum has already helped me a great deal! I changed the oil to synthetic after getting it as per advice from this forum. I am still having troubles getting it to shift into first, but I think it either doesn't have a first gear sychro or its out. I have to shift to first before coming to a complete stop or let it roll first or else it won't shift into first. I'm getting 65 mpg and hope to improve that once i learn the bike a bit better. I'm a fairly new rider. I have had my permit for about 8 months and plan to get my license tomorrow!

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Old 05-18-2011, 05:05 PM   #2
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Oh, I sold my Magna for $1,500 and bought this for $1,200 win win for me! Like i said, had to travel to get it, but it was worth it! Actually had to have the guy i bought it from ride it out his driveway cause it was through a creek and I don't know how to do that yet!
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Old 05-18-2011, 07:16 PM   #3
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

WOW! 1200 for that! you both must have though the trans was shot huh? and its not so you get a triple win win! i avarage about 65 on mine and i know how to ride to keep it in the powerband, not to lug it,running start up hills yada yada, so if you back outta the throttle and just piss off the motorists piling up behind you(LOL) you can squeeze 70 no prob
99 gz 250 and a currently dismantled fzr 1000

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Old 05-18-2011, 09:41 PM   #4
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Well, actually the lady I bought it from said it ran perfect, nothing wrong with it. Turned out she was partially right, it did run good, but needed the cob webs blown out and a few minor things. It was pretty dirty when I got it, needed a good cleaning.

I also had to drive out to the boonies to get it. There were a few reasons I was able to pick it up pretty cheap: 1. took a lot to find the place, had to actually drive through a creek to get there 2. i jumped on it FAST when I saw the ad posted 3. the pics the owner posted on the ad were not the best and it wasn't cleaned up the best.

but yes, all together it was a win win situation. The lady I bought it from said the only reason she was selling was because she was going into surgery for her back and was no longer able to ride.

Unfortunately, she said her son did lay it down once, which is why there is some scuffs on the front and rear fender, the muffler, and the handlebar weights are missing. The right side was broken of, so I just took the left side off and am looking to replace them.
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Old 05-18-2011, 10:12 PM   #5
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

meh, these bikes are true tanks when they fall. this weekend my girl dropped it twice and it came out with some scratched mirrors! she dropped it once in the grass which was so funny :biggrin: then she was going right into a bush, panic'd and popped the clutch and down it went again. she was fine and so was the bike. infact my bike has the same front fender ding as yours haha
99 gz 250 and a currently dismantled fzr 1000

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Old 05-18-2011, 10:42 PM   #6
Water Warrior 2
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Nice looking bike. Actually REALLY nice looking bike.
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Old 05-18-2011, 11:35 PM   #7
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Originally Posted by geezer
meh, these bikes are true tanks when they fall. this weekend my girl dropped it twice and it came out with some scratched mirrors! she dropped it once in the grass which was so funny :biggrin: then she was going right into a bush, panic'd and popped the clutch and down it went again. she was fine and so was the bike. infact my bike has the same front fender ding as yours haha
That makes me feel A LOT better. It seems like a pretty durable bike, but you never know what will happen. I accidentally laid down my Magna in the driveway and it was completely by accident, was having a bad day and forgot to kick the kickstand down, boy did that hurt to have a running exhaust on my leg! That and I was worried about the bike. Lucky for me, no damage. I haven't laid down the gz250 yet and its A LOT lighter, so I don't see it happening, but you never know. Part of our driveway is gravel and kickstands+gravel=dangerous. I let my girlfriend drive it whenever she wants and sometimes she doesn't pay as much attention to what she is doing as she should...then of course its the bike's fault, not her's! :lol: always cracks me up....never her fault...LOL :retard: Glad you say these are built like tanks, makes me even more glad I went with this one.
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Old 05-18-2011, 11:40 PM   #8
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Nice looking bike. Actually REALLY nice looking bike.
Thanks a bunch! When I picked it up, i was kinda worried cause it wasn't shiny, they lived out in the boonies with gravel roads and lots of dust, and it didn't start up right way...took a couple tries. But, after running a bit and giving her a MAJOR cleaning and shining, it turned out pretty good! Runs great, drives great, and looks great (to me).

Had to laugh though, right after we left, my girl was driving it home (an hour drive in a car, about 1.5 hours on the bike) and it just quit running like 2 min after we left....dang! But, then I realized it was low on gas, so I switched it to reserve and it started right back up! Filled it up at the gas station and it was just fine! Just needed some gas! I was also worried cause she said it kept losing power on the interstate, but i noticed she only slowed down when going up hill, so I am guessing she just didn't know she needed to downshift, lol. I decided to just not tell her, didn't want her to get mad that i was telling her what to do....she has been riding longer than me (though I have more experience with shifting in a car, and its about the same on a bike).
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Old 05-19-2011, 04:32 AM   #9
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Originally Posted by tcrave
I have to shift to first before coming to a complete stop
Don't fight it that's just something you always have to do with the geezer. It's just the way it's built. :2tup:
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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Old 05-19-2011, 04:36 AM   #10
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Re: My 2001 Suzuki gz250

Originally Posted by tcrave
then I realized it was low on gas, so I switched it to reserve and it started right back up!
Hope you remembered to switch back to run, when you filled up. Then you need to reset the trip meter back to zero, so you don't run out again. That's the only "fuel guage" the geezer has. :2tup: Around 150 miles, then refill.
By birth an Englishman, by the grace of God a Yorkshireman.
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