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Old 09-24-2009, 12:51 PM   #1
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New rider in Mississippi

Hey yall!!! I am so excited. Tomorrow I will have had my bike for 1 week. I feel like I was born to ride. I am from a little town in MS called Petal. I have been happily married for 5yrs this coming December. I have 2 children one is 7(Allyssa) and the other is 3(Hope). My husband rides a VTX1800. He always said how relaxing it is to actually drive the bike vs Being a passenger. Now that I have taken the motorcycle safety course and have a bike of my own, I see what he has been trying to tell me. It's awesome being in control of your own bike. All I need is a new front tire, new front brakes, and rear brakes(not immediate need, They aren't in bad shape), and maybe a windshield. I already took the S of the side and added some Christian graphic stickers to the tank and rear fender, going to do some barb wire pinstriping around the sides of the tank, some graphics on the front fender and outline both fenders in the barbwire.

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Old 09-24-2009, 01:36 PM   #2
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Welcome! Hope you can share some pictures of your bike with us. What year mileage? I would love it if my wife wanted to get herself a bike! it would be! It would make biking double the fun!
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Old 09-24-2009, 03:30 PM   #3
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Originally Posted by bikertammy
Hey yall!!! I am so excited. Tomorrow I will have had my bike for 1 week. I feel like I was born to ride. I am from a little town in MS called Petal. I have been happily married for 5yrs this coming December. I have 2 children one is 7(Allyssa) and the other is 3(Hope). My husband rides a VTX1800. He always said how relaxing it is to actually drive the bike vs Being a passenger. Now that I have taken the motorcycle safety course and have a bike of my own, I see what he has been trying to tell me. It's awesome being in control of your own bike. All I need is a new front tire, new front brakes, and rear brakes(not immediate need, They aren't in bad shape), and maybe a windshield. I already took the S of the side and added some Christian graphic stickers to the tank and rear fender, going to do some barb wire pinstriping around the sides of the tank, some graphics on the front fender and outline both fenders in the barbwire.
welcome sounds like your already having a lot of fun with your bike.. enjoy and be safe.

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Old 09-24-2009, 10:29 PM   #4
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

OMGosh! I am having so much fun! We got a chance to ride this afternoon. It was my first time actually riding in town. Anyway it is a 2005 GZ, and has 12500 miles on it. I will post pics as soon as I get batteries for my camera. I haven't bought batteries in a I only gave $1000 for it, so I think I did great. I need a windshield badly. I got up to 70 on the backroads and my helmet was trying to come off with my head still in it.... got a little fatigued from that. Oh, and by the time we were on our way home it was too dark for sunshades, so I rode without them, and got a bug in my eye. Then I got the bug out of that eye and got one in the other eye. But it was still fun.
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Old 09-24-2009, 11:02 PM   #5
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Originally Posted by bikertammy
OMGosh! I am having so much fun! We got a chance to ride this afternoon. It was my first time actually riding in town. Anyway it is a 2005 GZ, and has 12500 miles on it. I will post pics as soon as I get batteries for my camera. I haven't bought batteries in a I only gave $1000 for it, so I think I did great. I need a windshield badly. I got up to 70 on the backroads and my helmet was trying to come off with my head still in it.... got a little fatigued from that. Oh, and by the time we were on our way home it was too dark for sunshades, so I rode without them, and got a bug in my eye. Then I got the bug out of that eye and got one in the other eye. But it was still fun.
i can tell your from down south when you say you (gave) 1k for it. always loved some of the things Southerners say, i just moved from Tennessee back home to ohio

your helmet kept trying to come off, you sure you have the correct size, if it was trying to come off it may not fit you correctly, it should fit as tight as possible with out cutting off the circulation to your brain of course :lol: .

riding with out eye protection is a horrible idea, your lucky those 2 bugs you got in your eye were not big old bugs that could have done some damage or rocks, get some clear motorcycle glasses with the foam seal on them, that helps keep stuff out of your eyes pretty darn good

but you made it back safe and im glad you had a good time.

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Old 09-24-2009, 11:09 PM   #6
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

I think you may be right about my helmet, but there is also the possibility that I didn't tighten the straps enough. And about the glasses, I have some, just didn't have anywhere to put them. I will just wear them from now on when I know I only have a little daylight My eye still burns. Also, I did manage to dodge a big dragonfly. I think I will name her sui, short for suicide. It was about the size of a hummingbird.
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Old 09-24-2009, 11:33 PM   #7
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Originally Posted by bikertammy
I think you may be right about my helmet, but there is also the possibility that I didn't tighten the straps enough. And about the glasses, I have some, just didn't have anywhere to put them. I will just wear them from now on when I know I only have a little daylight My eye still burns. Also, I did manage to dodge a big dragonfly. I think I will name her sui, short for suicide. It was about the size of a hummingbird.
put on your helmet and strap it on, turn you head left and right really fast over and over a few times, your helmet should not move around on your head at all than try and move the helmet left and right with your hands, mine is nice and tight, when it moves the the left and the right my skin on my skelp moves with it. there is no play between my head and the helmet at all.

i pretty much always wear clear glasses, at least latley, my oakley gas can s glasses look a lot better on me than my motorcycle gasses do but when i wear the oakleys i still get stuff in my eye every now and again plus when its chilly out my eyes seem to water, the motorcycle glasses with the foam really comes in handy, i should get some foam and glue them on my oakleys

that's one big dragon fly, i got hit by a squirrel once. well i guess it was more like he ran in front of me and i hit him. i named that poor litle thing mashed potato cus he got mashed lol.. he came out of no where next thing i know it was just bump bump. it always sux when you run something over but you just cant help it when it darts out from no where

i guess Sui was lucky that the kamikaze mission failed lol
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Old 09-25-2009, 04:41 AM   #8
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Originally Posted by bikertammy
I got up to 70 on the backroads and my helmet was trying to come off with my head still in it
Mine does the same. With me it's because the wind gets under the peak of my helmet (I wear a ¾ helmet, & the clear visor slides up, under the peak, to protect it when not in use) I find that tipping my head slightly forward stops it, as the wind then hits the helmet at a slightly different angle.

As for windshields - most people on here seem to go for them - I hate them (purely a personal thing). I've been riding for 45 years, & I've never found one that didn't feel like the sail on a clipper ship. May be that it's because I've never got them set up right, but I've even had to take them off bikes that have come with a factory fitted windshield, because the bike behaved badly in the wind, & cut my top speed down.

Now I'll just sit & wait to be shot down by everyone on here who have had no problems. :popcorn:
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:49 AM   #9
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

I don't use a windshield. I have a visor the covers my face. I was on the back roads the other day, no helmet, and took the biggest dragonfly in history smack dab in the middle of my forehead. Quickly checked for blood, then pressed on.
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:07 AM   #10
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Re: New rider in Mississippi

Originally Posted by alantf
Originally Posted by bikertammy
I got up to 70 on the backroads and my helmet was trying to come off with my head still in it
Mine does the same. With me it's because the wind gets under the peak of my helmet (I wear a ¾ helmet, & the clear visor slides up, under the peak, to protect it when not in use) I find that tipping my head slightly forward stops it, as the wind then hits the helmet at a slightly different angle.

As for windshields - most people on here seem to go for them - I hate them (purely a personal thing). I've been riding for 45 years, & I've never found one that didn't feel like the sail on a clipper ship. May be that it's because I've never got them set up right, but I've even had to take them off bikes that have come with a factory fitted windshield, because the bike behaved badly in the wind, & cut my top speed down.

Now I'll just sit & wait to be shot down by everyone on here who have had no problems. :popcorn:
i have a problem with that alan a big problem :poke2: that windsheild you had may have just needed tilted back tward you a little bit to become more areo dynamic,.
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