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Old 08-13-2008, 10:44 PM   #1
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What's this "Out growing a 250" thing?

Am I the only one here that actually bought a 250 because it IS small, nimble, light, and a blast to ride?

I love bigger bikes. They're great for long road trips, highway miles, and who's is largest contest. I just sold one and plan to replace it ASAP so I can continue making road trips before I'm too old (day after tomorrow!). I've owned....well....LOTS of 750cc and up rides (and like most bikers consider a 750 a small bike).

Yes it is a great bike to learn how to ride on. As are most 250s, Rebel, Virago, etc. These bikes come with something that is easy to lose after a few years on a bigger bike. A smile. I rediscovered this by accident after over 40 years of riding.
Somehow over the years I had allowed peer pressure, more expendable income, and just plain greed (bigger is better!) to rob me of the reasons I loved motorcycles. They can make you happy. They can make you smile. I rediscovered this by accident when a friend of mine needed me to ride her bike home from work for her one day. It had probably been 25+ years since I had been on anything smaller than a 650-750.

The big bikes are nice. But after a while this happens: "Its just to the store....too much trouble to get the bike out". "It may rain...don't want to have to clean it again." "I would take the bike....but its just too much trouble." etc.

I stop in once a week looking at the bigger bikes. I think I will get another V Star. But I think I will leave the little thumper home when I go to buy it. No trade in. Believe me...at my age smiles are hard to come by!
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Old 08-13-2008, 11:13 PM   #2
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What's this "Out growing a 250" thing?

Nope. I love my GZ. Much easier than my 1450cc HD around town. You and I have experienced a bunch of bikes, but for some people their experience is limited to just the GZ and they want to experience a bigger bike (and/or can't have more than one, for whatever reason). I understand that. But at my age I'd rather have a bike for every purpose. As I've said more times that I can remember " It's not what you ride, it is the ride."

Cheap to drive and fun too. What more could you ask for?

+10 to Greydog's comments.

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Old 08-13-2008, 11:26 PM   #3
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I think the main reason that I will upgrade from the GZ is for comfort. Of course, there's the seat issue, but even with a 30" inseam, I feel a bit cramped after the 50 mile mark. True, I could mod the bike and put highway pegs on it, but I'd rather get a bike with just a little more oomph so that I can easily run the interstate when I need to. If I lived in town, then this bike would be PERFECT, and I actually hate the thought of selling it. However, I commute 50 miles round trip every day, and my commute will be twice as long by avoiding the interstate this riding season. When I do upgrade, I'm probably going to look for something in the 500cc range. But you still can't beat the GZ for speeds up to 60-65 MPH.

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Old 08-14-2008, 07:45 AM   #4
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You are not alone Greydog. I was looking for a way to beat the arrogant and greedy oil companies. I live only 10 miles from work and can take the Highway or the country back roads where the speed limit doesn't get above 40 MPH. I first looked at scooters. Just couldn't do it. I thought I could find a small used motorcycle for about the same price and same gas mileage as a new scooter and wouldn't get laughed at as much. I found a nice used GZ and got her for $1,300 and she gets me 75 MPG. More power, similar gas mileage, safer, and way better looking than a scooter. I think I made the right choice.
If I wanted to take long road trips or ride the interstates I would have gotten a bigger bike. I am a little tall for this bike but for what I use it for it is perfect. I may at some point up size a little for a little more comfort but still would look for something only in the 500- 650cc range. Gas mileage and plain old fun is what I ride a bike for. Not so much performance and power. But for now I couldn't be happier.
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Old 08-14-2008, 08:37 AM   #5
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After two years and strictly bicycle commuting I decided that I could really use some assistance, as I was starting to wear down. I first looking into electric bicycles. The only way I would go that route would be to spend $1000 on one that could hill climb and keep up with the cars. It just didn't seem reasonable. Next, I looked at scooters and couldn't pull the trigger because they don;t offer the ability of gear selection and most of them are cheap plastic. The Japanese scooters are too expensive and don't offer enough grunt. So, I went with the least expensive bike that I could find which offered adequate gas mileage and gear shifting abilities. TADA!!


The only time I've ever wanted a larger bike was when I was riding up and down the mountain day to day. I stopped that and see no reason, save for interstate umph, when I would want more.

I've owned three bikes, four if you count my wife's scooter, all of them being 250cc or smaller and I have never seem a need for anything more.

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Old 08-14-2008, 09:45 AM   #6
Easy Rider
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Re: What's this "Out growing a 250" thing?

Originally Posted by Graydog
Am I the only one here that actually bought a 250 because it IS small, nimble, light, and a blast to ride?

so I can continue making road trips before I'm too old (day after tomorrow!).
[Raises hand....me too!] :2tup:

I passed that threshold a couple of days ago and, after 40+ years of riding bigger bikes, took my first road trip EVER on my GZ last month. Did 1,200 miles, never touched a freeway and loved every minute of it......except for the heat and the seat.
The seat is getting better with some tweaks and the heat is bearable if you start early and quit early.

If you never travel 2-up and don't carry a lot of gear and don't ride with other "speed demons".............don't count the GZ out. It will serve you well...........and encourage you to get OFF the Interstates on to the "good" roads where a bike should be.
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Old 08-14-2008, 09:55 AM   #7
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Small bikes

Greydog , Your correct the small bikes are practical and fun. I've had and own 1000+ bikes but my favorite and most enjoyable bike was only 100cc. Went anywhere I wanted and enjoyed every minute of the ride. Presently own a DRZ400S and a GZ250, it's some times a real decision which one I want to ride [fun factor] Right know the GZ gets the most riding time due to the great fuel mileage, but the 400 is very good also. [mileage] The small bikes are just plain fun. CMS
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Old 08-14-2008, 12:01 PM   #8
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I out grew mine pretty quickly. I didnt think i'd get rid of it but it got too small for me very quickly. Comfort was an issue and i am very restless with things i own, i have to customize things. The GZ is not one of those customizable bikes so i needed to move on.

I still love the gz for what it is and was for me .... but i am so much more happier with the bike i have now. I can customize the hell out of it and make it mine and the comfort level is 100% better. Even with my 1" thick solo seat, it conforms to my butt perfectly making it more comfortable than the stock seat or any other seat ive been on including a $300 mustang seat believe it or not. Taking off the shocks and hard tailing it ... i guess that makes me a restless hardass too.

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Old 08-14-2008, 08:56 PM   #9
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I think the biggest part of the GZ250 I outgrew was the braking. After riding my SV650, which the previous owner had upgraded to stainless lines and better pads, going back to the GZ250 was kind of scary. Even though I upgraded the GZ250 with SBS ceramic pads, there is a night and day difference between dual two-piston front disc brakes on drilled rotors versus one single-piston disc brake on a solid rotor. I also got used to not having to shift mid-turn as I had to with the GZ250.

I'll agree with the others that I never found the GZ250 to be boring.
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Old 08-15-2008, 10:03 AM   #10
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I have owned several bikes over the years, but my largest was a KZ400. I love the small to mid sized bikes. I had been out of riding for 18 years when the itch became so strong I had to scratch. I have to say I was disappointed to find out that the manufacturers had done away with the 350's, 400's, 450's, 500's, and 550,s. Also, the fact that a street bike now looked like something out futurama. So I looked at the cruisers and found my GZ.

The fastest bike I owned was 1974 Yamaha RD350, I was 16 (isn't that scarey) that bike could hit 105 mph in the 1/8 mile. It was a 750 killer and now has a cult following because it could be customized so may ways and made to go even faster than mine would.

Finally to my point: my GZ is perfect for me, most of my riding is urban and rural. I prefer not to get on the super slabs, but 2 lane and 4 lane highways are fine. I can cruise for hours at 60 -65 mph, and I can get up to almost 80 if I want to. The seat sucks but I've been making different ones to find the right fit for me. Great gas mileage and I look good on it too :neener: .
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