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Old 08-28-2009, 12:54 AM   #1
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How often do you add air to your tires?

Hi. I had both tires replaced about 2.5 months ago. I am needing to put about 3-5 pounds of air in them after about 150 miles or so of riding. Is this normal? And if not, what are some possible reasons my tires may be losing air? It is becoming an inconvenience IMO.

Thoughts? Thanks!


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Old 08-28-2009, 02:58 AM   #2
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Motorcycle tires will loose a little pressure over time. It is just a fact of life with bikes. Do a pressure check every 2 weeks whether you ride or not.
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Old 08-28-2009, 04:25 AM   #3
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

First thing I'd do is get a valve key, then check that the valves are nipped up snug. I've found that when they put new tyres on, they sometimes don't tighten the valves quite tight enough.
My grandaughter's bicycle tyres kept going flat, & after I nipped up the valves an inperceptable amount, the problem went away.
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Old 08-28-2009, 02:22 PM   #4
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Originally Posted by greenhorn
Hi. I had both tires replaced about 2.5 months ago. I am needing to put about 3-5 pounds of air in them after about 150 miles or so of riding. Is this normal?
With all due respect to WW.......the answer is a resounding NO.
Tires with tubes shouldn't lose that much air over 6 months....much less 150 miles.

Did they put new tubes in with the tires?
Did they put ANY tubes in the tires ??
Something is definitely wrong; take it back where you got the tires.
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Old 08-31-2009, 09:11 AM   #5
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

I check the air in my tires every fill up.

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Old 08-31-2009, 05:06 PM   #6
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Originally Posted by greenhorn
Hi. I had both tires replaced about 2.5 months ago. I am needing to put about 3-5 pounds of air in them after about 150 miles or so of riding. Is this normal? And if not, what are some possible reasons my tires may be losing air? It is becoming an inconvenience IMO.

Thoughts? Thanks!

Mary, what was the time period for putting on 150 miles ? If it was over 2.5 months then I would consider that normal. Remember that temps will also increase or decrease tire pressures as the air expands and contracts. Always try to check the tires before a ride with the tires cold. And use a quality pressure guage too. They are not expensive, a local auto store will have a variety to choose from. Please refrain from going to the local Dollar Store, you will get what you pay for.
Just for fun and experience, check your tires after a ride with the tires warmed up and again a few hours later with the bike in a shady spot(no direct sunshine/heat) and you will notice a difference.
And yes, Easy and I differ in opinions but we both want you to be safe. Maybe my experience is with the Canadian Air, proximity to the North Pole or West Coast. LOL.
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Old 08-31-2009, 05:20 PM   #7
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Originally Posted by Water Warrior
Maybe my experience is with the Canadian Air, proximity to the North Pole or West Coast. LOL.
Yea, that's probably it! :whistle:

Honestly, I have gone a whole season and a thousand miles or so never having to add air.

If I start riding REALLY early in the season, I have actually let some air OUT of the tires when the heat of summer arrives.........and then if I ride late into the fall, I have to put it back again.
My cut-off these days seems to be about 65 F so that doesn't even apply anymore.
I put a gauge on them once a month just for good measure and give them a "kick" test before every ride.
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Old 08-31-2009, 06:57 PM   #8
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

I've had my Vulcan for about 3 1/2 months and 3500 miles and I've only had to add air once, about 3-4 lbs. That seems like a normal amount to me. If you are having to put air in much more often than that it makes me think something is not exactly right. Might be bad valve stems or like somebody (Water Warrior I think) said they may not be tightened properly. Be careful though, it's easy to over tighten valve stem nuts and damage the tubes. I'd recommend taking it back to the dealer that installed the tires and have them check it out.
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Old 08-31-2009, 07:12 PM   #9
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Can you expound on the "kick test"? I've found that checking the tire pressure = letting air out of the tire. The air pumps, if they have them at all, at the gas stations here are crap. You have to go inside, wait in line, ask them to turn them on, and some times feed them a quarter, you can't tell if air is going in or coming out of the tire and, the built-in gauge does not inspire much confidence (always seems to read "25") So... I generally avoid the process. I used to pump my bicycle tires (which have tubes!) prior to every single ride (and significantly - those puppies like 120 psi or more!) but I am basically hoping for the best with the motorcycles. If the kick test is a good rule of thumb, I'd like to know how to perform it.
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Old 08-31-2009, 08:55 PM   #10
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Re: How often do you add air to your tires?

Originally Posted by alanmcorcoran
Can you expound on the "kick test"?
"Airing up" things can be a problem.
If you watch for sales, or maybe visit Harbor Freight, a decent little compressor can be had for about $50 or so.......and a WallyWorld has digital gauges for about $6.

The kick test consists of knowing how hard the tires feel when they have (close to) the right pressure in them. When you are a wuss rider like I am, a couple of pounds doesn't really make that much difference.

The problem, however, if you don't have a toe that has been educated by doing that for a LOT of somehow getting it educated on short notice. That's where the compressor comes in.

You need to drop the pressure about 10 pounds and see what it feels like when you kick it........then put back the proper pressure and kick again. Some use the thumb pressure method in much the same way; if it feels hard when you press your thumb against the middle of the tread firmly, then it's good enough to ride.

For most folks, all that is just BS though and putting the digital gauge on them every couple of days is probably a MUCH better plan......or maybe every day. I often ride short distances without a helmet too. Neither practice is really recommended. :roll:
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