I have owned several bikes over the years, but my largest was a KZ400. I love the small to mid sized bikes. I had been out of riding for 18 years when the itch became so strong I had to scratch. I have to say I was disappointed to find out that the manufacturers had done away with the 350's, 400's, 450's, 500's, and 550,s. Also, the fact that a street bike now looked like something out futurama. So I looked at the cruisers and found my GZ.
The fastest bike I owned was 1974 Yamaha RD350, I was 16 (isn't that scarey) that bike could hit 105 mph in the 1/8 mile. It was a 750 killer and now has a cult following because it could be customized so may ways and made to go even faster than mine would.
Finally to my point: my GZ is perfect for me, most of my riding is urban and rural. I prefer not to get on the super slabs, but 2 lane and 4 lane highways are fine. I can cruise for hours at 60 -65 mph, and I can get up to almost 80 if I want to. The seat sucks but I've been making different ones to find the right fit for me. Great gas mileage and I look good on it too :neener: .
Live life simple, so that others can simply live.