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Old 06-16-2024, 03:18 AM   #8
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2024
Posts: 11
It does the same thing in prime. Does that mean it's ok? I took carb spray and sprayed it all around where there's vacuum around the petcock and carb boots. It didn't do anything. I don't know what the rpms are. I'm looking for a tach I can get just to temporarily use. It idles pretty high until it warms up. Sometimes when I Rev it, it hangs and very slowly comes back down and dies. I talked to a local shop and he said it sounds like the carb needs cleaned. I've done it before on gs450 carbs but this one seems more complicated. I've got carb cleaner in the tank and fresh gas. I've took out the air cleaner and sprayed carb cleaner a few times. When I first started it, it runs better than it did when I first got it. It's just the idling. When you use the choke is it supposed to stay in the lower position or do you have to hold it down? Thanks for all your advice.
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