Thread: Fuel Additives
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Old 08-23-2023, 05:40 PM   #1
Vegas Street Rider
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Fuel Additives

Haven't posted in quite a while. Just thought those of you who own a GZ whether stock or went the cafe racer route might be interested in this little tip.

One of the biggest issues based on the many posts seems to be clogged up carburetors due to off season storage. Regardless of what quality of fuel you all use, you need to treat that fuel periodically to reduce the build up of varnish that creates issues with how it runs.

My advice, take it or leave it, is to periodically add Seafoam or other similar products to your fuel tank to keep the system clean. My '09 now has some 25K miles on it and I have never had to break into my fuel system (carburetor) to clean the fuel ports, etc. Also, I recommend using Stabil in my fuel if I am going to store my bike without usage for a while, keeping the fuel in a respectable condition.

Just thought you all could use some free advice. It is worth what you paid for it. Ride safe.

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