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Old 08-02-2008, 03:27 AM   #8
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Re: Newbie from sunny (aka rainy) South FL

Originally Posted by Magnar Infectus
I plan on adding the 16 tooth sprocket sometime in the near future. [..] I'll probably even add the tach, not that I need it. I just like the way it looks, though I'll want another dial for the other side to balance it out visually. (I dunno what I’d put there though)

1) I'd wait with the 16t sprocket, until after 1,000 miles at least, to first drive it in according to the book, and to get used to it.

2) Suggestion: I saw a picture of a volt meter on the left side on another bike's instrument cluster, that looked fine. However my cables on the left don't really allow for anything much there. And then, there is the 'reset' for the trip odometer...

I am about to put a tach on the right side and the plan is to put it 'straight', not rotated, compared to the speedometer.
2005 "Saturn Black", stock + tach
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