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Old 09-08-2020, 10:43 AM   #3
Vegas Street Rider
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Henderson, NV
Posts: 1,112
Welcome to the forum rdots. I am not too hot on wiring myself but the disconnected wires at the kickstand might be your problem. The switch in the kickstand is a kill switch so that the bike will shut off if the kickstand is down when in gear. Also check to make sure you really do have the bike in neutral. Otherwise, it won't start either unless you have the clutch pulled. Finally, the front turn signals are also your running lights, so it is normal for them to be on when the key is on. The rear ones are just turn signals.

If your neutral light and turn signal lights are not working, the PO may have burned out the bulbs with his creative wiring and can be replaced. As I stated above, double check to make sure the bike is in neutral. I would also suggest you open the headlight bucket and do a visual check of the wiring in there, as there is a multitude of connections in there and places where the wiring can get cut or worn coming into it.

I hope this helps a little. When you get it running, ride safe.

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