Hey guys n gals!
I already have a 1999 Gz250 (suzyQ) Just bought another 99 Rosey!
Rosey has a problem. I test rode it and she rides good, engine pulls hard, rims / tires smooth ect. Got her home battery low wouldn't crank. Put on trickle charge overnight. Next morning started fine. Let her sit while changed oil in SuzyQ. Went to go for ride with wife on hers me on Rosey. Battery dead

Next day bought new battery. charged for two hours then installed and she started. Out of curiosity put meter on battery terminals, 11.58

Compared SuzyQ 12.85 better but not 13.4 or so I thought it shud be.
Think it would hurt SuzyQ to try her rectifier on Rosey, and do you all think the aftermarket rectifiers are sufficient? Cost is 1/2 of OEM.