Thread: Starting issue
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Old 09-22-2019, 06:49 PM   #10
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Posts: 174
Originally Posted by Vegas Street Rider View Post
Good job on diagnosing the problem. I don't have enough experience with the electrical system to have helped you out. Try not to judge the members by our lack of response as many of us have busy lives and participate when we are able to. Also, keep in mind that many have moved on to other bikes and that this bike has been discontinued for almost a decade. There is lots of great information here to glean in that regard. Please try to be patient when you don't get an immediate response.
Vegas - I have to agree. I have my GZ250 for few years. Its simple, reliable bike, but it also gets neglected and abused - since it is typically used by novice riders. Many get quickly discarded when users upgrading. Many sit for years in garages when all they need is fresh fuel and battery. I had larger bikes before, but downgraded missing lightness and simplicity of smaller motorcycle. I go to the forum maybe once every two weeks and try to help - so seeing complain after just two days of waiting - bit excessive. I understand working on new (to you), not running bike can be frustrating, but fixing it yourself eventually that much gratifying.

Agove - do not get discouraged - read what is available here - watch few YouTube videos, keep your bike happy and enjoy safe riding.

Last edited by wacio; 09-22-2019 at 06:52 PM.
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