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Old 05-28-2019, 06:01 PM   #8
Vegas Street Rider
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Henderson, NV
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Update on my front fork seal replacement project. I ended up having to take my front forks into my Suzuki Service Ctr. to have them break the damper rod bolts loose so that I could separate the inner and outer fork tubes to replace the seals. The good news is they did it free gratis. Once I got them taken apart, the rest of the job was pretty easy.

Just an FYI. I not only used the Suzuki service manual for guidance, but I also watched a very helpful U-tube video done by Delboy Garage. It not only showed you how to do the job but gave helpful hints on how to build your own tool to seat the guide bushing and fork seal using poly sink drain pipe ("1 1/2"). It worked like a charm vs. the tool that runs around $50. I figure I saved $250 in shop labor.
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