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Old 02-14-2019, 12:04 PM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 2
No lights, no start

Hey guys, 06 model here. Ride the bike 4 or 5 days a week and it just decided to take a dump. Was running fine when I shut it off. Next day, turned the key, no lights (headlight, brake light, no signals, no neutral light) and no response from starter (not even a click). Tried the next day with the same results. It'll bump start, but she's real unhappy about it and it runs like total garbage. It'll idle poorly, but when you crack the throttle it hesitates and then pulses in gear so that if you try and ride it bucks real bad and isn't ridable at all in 3rd gear and up (no throttle input at all). Fuses under the seat all check out. I'm thinking its a bad ignition cylinder; it would explain the no lights and the running poorly almost sounds like no spark, maybe just turning over on compression? I'm really not sure.

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