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Old 10-07-2018, 04:26 PM   #2
Vegas Street Rider
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Henderson, NV
Posts: 1,112
Congrats on your new to you GZ 250. Glad you are enjoying it. Ride safe.

Before anything else, I recommend you download the parts manual and service manual on this site. Use the Quick Links and Search tools at the top of the page. The more you learn how to work on your own bike, the more money you will save.
1) After letting the bike warm up for about 2 minutes, turn off the choke and use the white idle adjustment thumb screw on the left side of the bike to make your adjustment to around 1500 rpm (you can do it by ear).
2) You can get replacement bulbs for the speedo at most cycle shops. They run about $2.50 to $3.00 a piece. Honda bulbs will also work.
3) Should just need a medium sized screwdriver to adjust your shocks. I have never had to mess with them. Just follow directions in manual.
4) Check your brake light switch under the right rear passenger foot peg for continuity.
5) ?
6) Check where the throttle cable is attached in the same area the throttle adjustment screw is located and make sure your cable end is secured to the bracket that holds it in place. Also check it below the throttle cable housing below the handlebar to make sure it is secure.
7) Check the manual on this one. I would think you would remove it from the top, but don't quote me.

Hope this helps.
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